All Posts by Mike Saif

Tactical Analysis – Real Madrid Defending v Barcelona

By Stevie Grieve

In the Copa Del Rey final, Real Madrid went into the game against Barcelona confident of a win, even without Cristiano Ronaldo who mass missing due to injury, but with Bale and Benzema both capable of defending from the front and causing problems on the counter attack, Ancelotti set his team up to defend against Barcelona’s main attacking areas, and exploit Madrid’s pace on the counter attack.

Madrid counter-pressing in the opening minutes

Art 5 MadridDefvBarca

Here, we can see that Madrid, having just lost possession, are reluctant to simply drop deep and defend, instead they

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5v5+2 Possession Game With Four End Zones

By Alex Trukan The possession game 5v5+2 with four end zones has multiple outcomes important for player development. From the technical and tactical perspective, it can be used to develop passing, support, creating space and transition concepts. Looking from the physical point of view, presented game is aimed at improving aerobic capacity needed to maintain

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A Two-Goalkeeper Warm-up

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity is a simple warm up for 2 (or more) keepers.

Start with 6 balls (for 2 keepers, if 3 keepers use 8 balls) making two 4 x 4 squares. A keeper starts in each square and there are servers 10 yards from each square with balls.


One of the servers is designated as the caller and he can

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This Is How You Finish a Break-Away

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on finishing breakaways.

A breakaway is such a great way to score a goal and while they don’t occur frequently, they do occur frequently enough that teams need to prepare for them. Not enough teams prepare for them and those that do tend to do so in such an artificial manner that it barely helps. We see teams set up with a line of players 30-40 yards out with balls and a keeper in goal.


The first player in line starts dribbling and the keeper

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3v2 Game with Aerobic Power

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is focused on developing aerobic power in 3v2 transition scenario. The aim from the physical point of view is to improve players’ power to recover, what in turn leads to producing more actions throughout the whole match. Dynamic counter-attack scenario ensures maximal concentration and commitment.

Set up and directions:
Set up two full sized goals 50-60 m. apart. Divide the team into attackers and defenders and further divide attackers into two groups (one starting behind the goal and one in the middle of the pitch). Two goalkeepers should be positioned in goals. Organize min. 8-10 balls in the goal positioned on half-way line.


The game starts with the goalkeeper (in the goal on the half-way line) playing the ball into striker. At the same time, two

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How Germany Broke Through Algeria’s Defence

By Stevie Grieve

In the last analysis I made which was on Algeria’s solid defensive system, I looked at how they made Germany predictable, and how they almost defended in a 6-3-1 formation, playing on the counter attack behind Germany’s high line.

In this, I will look at the slight tactical alteration Jogi Loew made in regards to the runs that Germany looked for, and how it won them the game in Extra Time.

Highlighted areas and runs to exploit the spaces

Germany v Algeria runs
Germany v Algeria runs 2

When Germany had the ball in deep or wide positions, there were 2 main areas that were available on both sides (due to the symmetrical nature of the Algeria defensive block shape) which were;

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Shooting In Transition Practice

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is based on transition phase from attack to defense. Ability to prevent counter-attack recently became more important with the teams scoring more goals from the counter-attacks and quick attacks. In this practice, that is connected with shooting and running with the ball content to develop technical corner and anaerobic power from physical point of view.

Set up and directions:
Organize two full-sized goals 40-50 meters apart from each other. Set up two gates and divide the team into two groups as shown on diagram. Each player needs one ball. Goalkeepers should be positioned in goals.


The practice starts with the first player from one group dribbling towards the opposite goal. His aim is to

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SSG for High Pressure Defending

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on high pressure defending and taking players on offensively.

Start with a 60 x 40 grid with goals on each endline and a keeper in each goal. There is a designated defender (in white) for each team and 4 v 4 in the middle.


The rules are pretty simple. Each player is assigned a player on the other team and that is the only player they can mark. This game involves man to man marking and the only player who can provide any

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Catching Balls From Different Trajectories

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s topic deals with catching balls from different trajectories.

The biggest issue keepers run into when when trying to catch balls from different trajectories is not getting their palms perpendicular to the flight of the ball.

Some people might be surprised to see the word “palms” when talking about catching because we frequently emphasize catching with the

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Germany v Algeria-06-30-2014

HOW THE MATCH WAS WON by Keith Scarlett FIFA 2014 World Cup, Brazil Monday, 30 June, 2014 Germany 2 v 1 Algeria This second-round elimination match was another game of an underdog impressing and showing better form than the favourites, but still being sent home late after being punished for not taking their chances. Algeria entered

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High Pressure Defensive Shape and Balance

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on defensive shape and balance with an emphasis on high pressure.

Start with a 10 x 20 yard area (10 yards deep and 20 yards wide) with 3 attacking players starting on an endline and 2 defenders. One of the attacking players has a ball.


The attacking players are trying to take the ball over the opposite end line. The defenders are using high pressure to prevent the attackers from getting

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Making the Recovery Save

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on recovery.

Start with a keeper on the ground with his head at one of the posts (in the diagram below the keeper has a ball in his hands but in this activity he wouldn’t). There is a flag in the middle of the goal and a server near the 12 yard spot with balls.


The keeper gets up quickly and shuffles to the middle flag, touches it and as soon as he touches it, the

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OP Technical Diamond

By Keith Scarlett

This activity works on technique of playing and receiving long balls both in the air and on the ground, first-touch, passing, receiving and striking a driven ball approximately 30 metres.

Set-up: 4 cones are set up in a diamond. The top and bottom cones are 40 metres apart and the two side cones are 25 metres apart; per the diagram. Players should be broken up and evenly placed at each cone. All balls should begin at one of the cones that are 40 metres apart.


How it Works: The player starting at the top cone starts with a ball plays

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Running With the Ball and Shooting to Develop Anaerobic Power

By Alex Trukan

The exercise is focused on improving anaerobic power in counter-attack scenario. This physical component is required to produce actions on high speed and strength. One of the examples of such scenario include 1v1 against the goalkeeper with a defender chasing from the back. Simple organisation and competitiveness of this practice makes it easy to understand and engaging.

Set up and directions:
Set up cones as on diagram. Organize two groups: attackers and defenders. First attacker starts between two red markers. All defenders have one ball each. Goalkeeper is positioned in the goal. Allow relatively big space to run with the ball (depending on players’ characteristics).


The practice starts with the first defender playing the ball to attacker positioned between

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How to Use a Target Player Effectively

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on playing into a target player and then laying the ball back.

When we speak of providing support we frequently speak of supporting in triangles and make the assumption that the support is going forward. As an example, in the diagram below, the player with the ball has a defender in front of him but two options of supporting players because they have provided a support triangle.


A player receiving the ball with his back to goal needs the same type of

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Grid System to Train Systems of Play

Our recently released Coaching Team Shape in the 3-3-1 has been getting lots of attention recently, especially for its use of the "grid system" when setting up training sessions.  I have copied an excerpt from the book which is part of the introduction and explains what the grid system is and how it should be set up and used.

Grid System

The grid system is a coaching aid I developed to improve what I consider to be the number 1 problem in youth soccer, player spacing (shape) on the field. How many times have you watched a youth soccer game where players are huddled round a ball and fight for a kick? A soccer game quickly descends into a frantic display of kick and run. I have created a system that allows anyone, no matter what your level of soccer knowledge, to coach your team how to spread out when playing soccer.

This system is called the Grid System and it increases the efficiency and awareness of how to coach shape within formations. It is a system that breaks down the fundamentals and increases the coach’s and players’ understanding of how to keep the desired shape during play. Simply put, according to the formation (1-3-3-1 or 1-2-3-2 etc.) each player is assigned a grid to play in. Grids are connecting but players have limits as to which grids they are allowed in during any specific play. The grids relate to field positions and stop players bunching whilst allowing them to play in a more structured setting. Using this system, we go through step by step what to do to achieve success, beginning with simple movement patterns through to more advanced tactical choices.

I think it is important to relate everything you do during a training session to a scrimmage, therefore keeping it GAME REALISTIC. Thus terms used in this guide will relate to player and body positions according to the type of play being focused on.

When laying out your grids, each is 10x10 yards in size and each grid connects to another grid (Fig.1).


Whichever formation you choose to coach all bearings are the same. The grid directions are taken when attacking. So, facing the opponents goal, the grid line in front of the players is

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Dealing With the Diagonal Ball

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on defending a diagonal ball and staying on balance.

Start with a player with a ball just outside the 18 on a slight angle (even with a goal post) and a second player a little further back but more toward the middle of the field. A keeper is in goal.


The keeper has to cut off the angle, in case there is a shot. The player with the ball has two options

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