All Posts by Mike Saif

Soccer Specific Endurance Training With Shooting

This conditioning article has been created by Gabriel Celante when he was running preseason training for BRASA – Brazilian Soccer Academy.  This session helps to develop soccer specific endurance, agility, leg power, and shooting skills from different distances. This session can also be used for individual training.



Divide the field as showed in the diagram.

  • Station A
  • Station B
  • Station C
  • Four players in each station
  • One Goalkeeper in each goal


Conditioning with a Technique and Conditioning Circuit

This conditioning article has been created by Gabriel Celante when he was running preseason training for BRASA – Brazilian Soccer Academy. The session helps to improve both aerobic and anaerobic fitness through an economical and dynamic circuit.


Divide the field as showed in the diagram.

Small Sided Game   Pliometric

  • 3v3 Small Sided Game in the middle.
  • Agility and Plyometric circuit around the 3v3 field.
  • 4 teams of 3 players – Orange, Yellow, Black, and White.


Continuous 2v2 with Four Goals

By Daniel Severn

This week’s exercise is designed to help build better aerobic and anaerobic endurance. It involves short sprints, quick changes of direction, recovery defending and also helps to develop a better focus and awareness. The exercise is played at a very high tempo with the players rotating each time the ball goes dead (goal, turnover in possession, ball out of bounds).

Set Up and Directions

For this exercise you will need 4 goals, a set of soccer balls and a minimum of 8 players divided into 2 teams. Mark out a 20x20 meter area. Set up is shown below (Fig 1).

2v2 Continuous w4 Goals 1
Ensure each team has a good supply of soccer balls; this will help to keep

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How To Deal With Low Shots

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter.  Today’s featured game works on saves hit low and at you.

One of the most difficult saves for a keeper to make is the low hard shot either right at them or slightly to their side.  The challenge is getting down quickly and holding onto the ball, if at all possible. It gets even more difficult if the ball skids right before getting to the keeper.  This game helps keepers prepare for these situations.

Start with two keepers 10 yards apart (the distance can be changed if needed) each in the middle of a 2 yard wide goal. One keeper starts with a ball in their hands.

The keepers try to score by throwing the ball toward the other goal.  The ball must be

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The First Touch Box - Agility, Control and One-Touch Passing

By Daniel Severn

The first touch box is an exercise I love to use with all of my teams. With this exercise you can work on the players 1st touch from the air, on the ground, first time passing, volleying, heading, chest/thigh control – the possibilities are endless. Agility is a key aspect of the game that is developed thoroughly with this exercise due to the high tempo and constant changes of direction. It is also easy to add in competition to this exercise, having the players compete as teams, or against the players within their group, will only add to the intensity.

It can be used as either a Warm-Up or as the main Technical part of your session.

As there are so many aspects to this exercise; control, aerial control or first time passing/volleying, we can adjust accordingly to suit all age groups and levels. I will share some of these variations at the end of the article.

To start, you will need to divide your players into groups of 3. Two players will have a ball, one without. The two with the ball will stand on any two sides of the square. The third player will begin in the center of the square as shown below. I set up 4 of these squares all approx 5m x 5m, allowing 12 players to be involved at the same time – this number changes depending on the number of players in your practice.

The First Touch Box – 1. Set Up.

The First Touch Box - 1

Here is how

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How to Best Handle Crosses

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter.  Today’s featured activity works on handling crosses and then quick distribution.

Start with a keeper in goal and a server out wide with some balls.  There will also be 3 gates.  One will be just outside the 18.  One will be around 30 yards out and the third will be close to midfield


The server plays a ball into the 18 for the

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1v1 Drills To Improve Shooting Chances

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter.  Today’s featured activity works on 1 v 1 to get a shot hit.

Start with a keeper in goal, a defender on the top of the 18, an attacker on the top of the D and a server, with balls, just outside the D.

The server starts by playing the ball to the feet of

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ACL Injury Overview (Research Review)

Today's post if from our Conditioning Expert, Scott Moody with Soccer FIT Academy. This post was interesting to me as a coach but also as a father of a high school aged soccer player. I'm all for anything that can help reduce the risk of injury while also improving performance.

In the past, we have put up several posts on ACL injury, rehab and risk reduction exercises, but I ran across a summary of research articles (Serpell, Scarvell, et al 3160-3176) compiled in the NSCA’s Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that I wanted to break down for you. The following is a brief breakdown

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Working on Anaerobic Endurance and the Overlapping Run for a Full Back

By Jebreel Bubtana, BRASA, Brazilian Soccer Academy

This article works on the anaerobic endurance of the right or left back in an attacking situation. Overlapping is something that is extremely important for a right or left back to be able to do because their role is not only to defend, but also to attack when the opportunity arises. Figure 1 below shows the set-up of the exercise.

A 10x10 square is set up around 25 yards from the end line out on the right hand side of the field and. This is where the exercise will start

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What Exactly Does a "Good Drill" Mean?

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.
  • “I need a good drill”
  • “Do you know a good practice to work on shooting?”
  • “I saw a professional team training and was wondering if it would be good for my U14 team”

These are some of the most frequent things I see in emails from subscribers. While I appreciate them wanting help, it’s important for them to realize that it’s not about a good drill but rather it’s about the right drill (or exercise, activity or game) for their particular team.

The session that works for a college team will probably not work for a U9 team. A session that works for a U8 team will most likely not work for a U16 team.

This can be taken even further by saying the training session that works for one U14 boys team might not work for another U14 boys teams.

Training sessions should be designed based on the specific needs of the individual team and players. While one talented U16 team might need

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Warm-Up for Shooting

One of the perks of being apart of WORLD CLASS COACHING is that I have access to a large library of training sessions from some of the top professional, collegiate, and youth coaches. We have published books and DVDs on every aspect and topic of coaching. I often refer to our DVD especially for new

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Sole of the Foot Control

With the outdoor season coming to an end in the Midwest of the United States, I’m turning my attention Futsal training. For anyone not familiar with Futsal, it’s played with a ball that is one size smaller than the ball the players use outdoor (U9-U12 play with a size three ball while U13 and above

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Maintaining Soccer Fitness Indoor

The indoor season provides a change of pace and focus that I think is good for player development but you don’t want to completely lose the base of fitness that was built during the outdoor season. The challenge is that you have a limited amount of space to work with when you’re training indoor. We

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Unique Small-Sided Games

I continue to run one practice per week outdoor with my older teams during the winter months when weather permits. This means that we are often training when the it’s pretty cold. On very cold days I organize small-sided games to keep the players moving and loose. They get a lot more out of playing

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Training a Team with Two Goalkeepers

This is the first time I’ve coached a team with two players that think of themselves as full-time goalkeepers. We came to an understanding before the season began as to how playing time would be divided. We also decided which events they would have a chance to play on the field when they were not

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Training a Team with Two Goalkeepers

This is the first time I've coached a team with two players that think of themselves as full-time goalkeepers. We came to an understanding before the season began as to how playing time would be divided. We also decided which events they would have a chance to play on the field when they were not in goal. In other events they would play one half in goal and not play in the other half.

This has worked well in large part because everyone has known what to expect and there have been no surprises. I also think it has been very good for both goalkeepers because there is an element of competition that

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A Dutch Style Warm-Up

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

A dynamic warm up is vital to a successful training session.    There are many different versions and mixed feelings regarding whether there needs to be a ball involved or not.  Many feel any time in training that doesn’t utilize a ball is wasted time.  I, and others, feel it’s more important to get a good warm up and to have the players truly ready (both physically and mentally) for when the ball is then added to the warm up.  You can find more of this type of warm up in our book, Dutch Drills For Total Team Training

In this activity, start with 4 cones in a line, 10 yards apart.  Another 2 cones are in a different line 10 yards apart and 10 yards to the side of this first line. 2 more cones are in a similar line 10 yards to the other side.

Two lines of players start by going to cone 1, then to cone 2, then to cone 3, then to cone 4, then to cone 5 and then to cone 6.  When they get

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Working on Defenders Endurance in a Numbers Down Situation

By Jebreel Bubtana, BRASA, Brazilian Soccer Academy

This exercise starts with 3 attackers in a large triangle shape around 25 yards out from goal and 2 defenders that start either side of the goal (figure 1). The idea of this exercise is to get the defenders working as hard as possible, which is why they are in a numbers down situation. To keep this exercise at a high intensity, make sure that there are a number of balls ready for the defenders to pass into the attackers. This will speed up the exercise and keep the defenders working at maximum intensity. This also puts the attackers and defenders in a real situation that they are likely to face in a game. Award the defenders points for stopping the attackers from scoring a goal, this will provide them with an incentive to work hard, especially for the younger age groups.

The defenders start with the ball and pass the ball to one of the attackers. Make sure that the defenders

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