All Posts by Mike Saif

Correct Spacing For Combination Play

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on spacing and combination play.

Start with a 30 x 30 grid broken into quarters. There are two teams of twos in the middle and two supporting players for each team on the sides.


To start, a yellow player, on the outside, has a ball and passes to

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Spurs flat Midfield In Transition

By Stevie Grieve

Since Andre Villas-Boas was (wrongly in my opinion) sacked, Tim Sherwood has made a case for staying on as Head Coach of Tottenham Hotspur, by bringing back an old-school type of 4-4-2 formation, introducing Emmanuel Adebayor (mainly to get the fans onside as AVB didn't use him) and when asked about the turnaround in fortunes of the team during his initial few games in charge, his response was very much a case of “I just put an arm around the players and make them feel good about themselves” – something that the English media love, and something which wears off on the players after the coach has been found to be struggling tactically when it matters.

One part of Sherwood’s 4-4-2 is that there seems to be an insistence of a ‘see-saw’ midfield, with the deepest central midfielder covering the middle line of the field. This is fine, as the other central midfielder doesn't drift any more than 12m away from the covering midfielder, as this can leave the midfield open to penetration, especially in transition – even more so against a team with 3 central midfielders.

In the recent game against Benfica in London, Spurs lost 1-3, mainly due to Benfica being the better team individually, but tactically also. Benfica regularly won the ball in the final 3rd, and could counter attack through the centre of midfield as Spurs central midfielders were too far apart to close down the space, and definitely too far away to press and delay the counter attack.

Spurs attacking build up on the left side

Article 5 SpursFlatMid4

Eriksen – a natural number 10 – receives on the left side, from Naughton, the left back. As he receives, there is a

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Anaerobic Capacity With Dribbling

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is focused on developing anaerobic capacity. Improving this physical component enables players to sustain maximal speed and strength of actions throughout the whole match. In addition, the practice integrates dribbling and ball manipulation.

Set up and directions
Organise a square of appropriate dimensions to suit group characteristics. Place cones or sticks around the area as shown on diagram. Distance between each marker should be 6-8 yards (players should dribble on the distance of 15-25 yards overall).

Organise players with one ball each in the middle of the square. Their task is to dribble in the square (low speed). This can be altered with ball manipulation or juggling. Exercise is flexible in terms of number of players. The amount of dribbling “stations” should be adjusted accordingly to enable all players to practice at the same time.


On the coach’s signal, each player dribbles on the maximal speed to the nearest available group of cones and makes a

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The Purpose of a Set Drill

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Todays topic is a bit different in that it looks at the purpose of drills instead of at a particular drill.

At some of the coaching courses they teach you to NOT use the word “drill”. Instead, we should use “game”, “exercise” or “activity”. Part of the reason seems to be that “drill” seems to have a

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The Reliable Goalkeeper

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s topic deals with the reliable keeper.

Keepers dream about making the spectacular save. They dive through the air saving the shot into the upper corner and 70,000 spectators go crazy. The momentum shifts and their team counter attacks and scores the winning goal with little time left in the game and the team wins the championship!

Above is how the dream goes and occasionally (very rarely) it might work that way.

The more common occurrence is the keeper

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Liverpool’s Diamond Midfield

By Stevie Grieve

Liverpool under Brendan Rodgers have shown tactical flexibility all season, changing from 4-2-3-1 at the start of the season, to 3-1-4-2, to a 4-3-3 before moving to a 4-1-2-1-2 recently, giving them a tactical edge over the opposition as he can change Liverpool’s structure to allow them to gain control of the match through a variety of ways.

Liverpool Diamond Midfield v Manchester United's 4-4-1-1

Liverpool marking in midfield while ball is on the side

Article 6 LivManUtdDiamond

Here, Gerrard has nobody to mark so he fills in the space between the defence and midfield, as Johnson blocks the forward pass, as Skrtel marks

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Shooting and Finishing From Wide

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on passing, movement, receiving and finishing.

This activity has a lot of running, passing and shooting. A keeper starts in goal, there is a player wide on each side, another player is near midfield and a target player is at the top of the 18. A few extra players are on the end line. The keeper starts with a ball.


The keeper plays the ball out wide. One of the extra players

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Low Dives High Dives and Scrambles

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on low dives, high dives and scrambles.

Start with a keeper in goal, a server 12-15 yards out with balls and another ball at the corner of the 6.


The keeper starts with a low ball to the keepers right. The keeper dives to

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Porto’s Midfield Protection Tactics

By Stevie Grieve

One of the main benefits of playing with a 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 is that you can have a high level of flexibility using the 5 players in the midfield. We regularly see teams who like to press playing almost a man-man marking system, particularly in central midfield, where most attacks are constructed.

Another advantage is that defences are best protected via defensive triangulation between defence and midfield when close to goal, which covers most angles and forced 1v1 dribbles to make penetration opportunities.

Porto Midfield man-marking system

Article 4 Midfield Defending 1

Here, Porto play 1v1 all over the field, meaning that 1 player is free from each team, so when Napoli are in possession, it is

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Bayern Munich’s Defensive Aspects

By Stevie Grieve.

Bayern Munich are right now arguably the best team in Europe, and although they regularly enjoy over 60% possession in matches, they need to ensure that they don’t leave the back door open and conceded goals in the minimal amount of attacks that the opposition will have. In a recent Champions League match v Arsenal, Arsenal have a few noteworthy attacks, but many were cut off at source or stopped by very clever positional play and quick pressing once everyone was in position to do so.

Bayern Munich offside trap trigger

Art 2 Diag 3 Ars Bay

Arsenal are attacking down the left side, and Mesut Ozil makes the centre-wide run behind the full back. Bayern Munich have a very straight back 3, playing Sanogo offside. Bayern have a trigger

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Build Up and Combination Play

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on combination play between a forward and midfielder and staying onside.

Start with 2 cones 30 yards from goal. A forward starts in front of the cones. Another player is 15 yards further back with a ball. There are players ready to take these two players spots and a keeper in goal.


The forward starts by checking away and then

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Change of Direction Dives

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity involves fitness, agility, change of direction and extension dives.

Start with a keeper in the center of the goal with 4 low hurdles between the center and a post. There is also a flag on the 6 even with that post. There is a server 10 yards from goal on the end line.


The keeper begins by jumping over each hurdle (sideways), touches the near post and then

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Bayern Munich’s Attacking Movement

Bayern Munich’s attacking movement to lose markers from crossing position - By Stevie Grieve.

Arsenal played Bayern Munich for a long period with 10v11, and defended fairly well against possibly the most fluid attacking team in Europe. Pep Guardiola teams play high possession football with total freedom of movement within specific areas of the field for each player.

Each player has 3 or 4 team mates that they make rotations in tandem with depending on ball position and team mate position, similar to Barcelona under Guardiola, but Bayern Munich have the ability to score goals from crosses, a weapon Barcelona didn’t have, which makes if more difficult to defend against this Bayern team as they can go over a defence, as well as through.

Muller Goal – Intelligent movement to cross over a low block

Arsenal v Bayern 1.1 Art 1 Diag 1

Here, Kroos has Muller and Robben moving between the lines looking for a way through the defence, either by

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1st Touch Square

By Jebreel Bubtana

This exercise will work on your player’s 1st touch at different heights, progressing from being easy to control the ball at the start to being more challenging and working more on anaerobic fitness as well as 1st touch.

Set up the field as shown below in figure 1, with a 4x4 yard square and three players per group.


The player in the middle receives the ball from either of the players on the outside of the square. They receive the ball from the feeder and have

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3x5 Small-Sided Game

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Todays featured activity works on passing, receiving, communication and much more.

Start with a 40 x 40 grid with three groups of fives. One group (in this case the black group) starts with balls, one other group is on offense and the third group is on defense.


Any of the players can go anywhere in

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Extension Diving Drill

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on catching, footwork, extension dives and a bit of fitness.

Start with a keeper in goal and servers 12 yards from each post on the end line. These servers each have a ball in their hands. A third server is 15 yards out with balls.


The keeper starts by sprinting to the post closest to

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Shot Blocking From Various Distances

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on reactions and shot blocking.

Start with a keeper in a small goal (4 x 6 or slightly bigger). A server is 8 yards away with balls. There is a line 3 yards in front of the goal.


The keeper starts by stepping out in front of the line and

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Attacking and Defending At Close Quarters

By Keith Scarlett

This activity works on 1v1 attacking and defending in close quarters, 1st touch, intensity and to see who is willing to get stuck in on tackles. The exercise is done at top-speed, is a quick moving exercise and there is a good deal of contact.

The playing area is 18 x 44 metres (roughly the size of the penalty area). There is a goal on one of the 44 metre end-lines (where the goal would be if you were using an actual penalty area) and two markers should be 18 metres out directly opposite the goalposts (or roughly the location where the half-circle intersects with the top of the penalty area if using an actual penalty area for this activity). Players break into four lines. Two lines are on each post with balls and two lines are at the ‘markers’…or the corners of the “D”…without balls.


How it Works:
The line besides the goal drives the ball to the first person in the opposite diagonal line and then

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Developing Anaerobic Fitness Using Sprints

By Jebreel Bubtana

This exercise will work on the anaerobic fitness of your players in a fun and competitive environment. As soccer involves a lot of short sprints, this exercise will focus on this.

Set up the field as shown below with two cones 8 yards apart. You can set up multiple areas so that your whole team can work on this, with two players per area facing each other in the middle between the two cones (figure 1).


The players will give themselves a letter, A or B. A’s will start by

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Finishing With Quick Touches

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on quick touches, sharp cuts and finishing

Start with two goals 40 yards apart with a keeper in each goal. There is a line of 6 cones 1 yard apart across the middle of the field. A line of players, with balls starts at one end of the cones.


The first player starts by dribbling through the cones and when he gets to the

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