Tag Archives for " Anaerobic "

CNS Plus Linear Speed Activation

By Anthony Hazelwood The following activity has individual players working on their CNS and linear speed activations. This activity may be used after a warmup and before the start of a session to get players ready for what’s coming ahead. When preparing the activity, if needed, concentration and difficulty levels may be increased by having

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Break Through Game

By Alex Trukan This practice is designed to improve player’s ability to produce quicker and more explosive actions. That in example might be used in 1v1’s as well as high intensity sprint duels. In this exercise, physical component is incorporated into technical practice based around 3v1, 1v1 and 1v2 scenarios. Interchange between those situations makes

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Finishing with Shuttle Runs

By Alex Trukan The following practice is designed to develop an ability to repeat high intensity sprints during the game. That is achieved by working on anaerobic energy system’s capacity, which helps in sustaining the frequency of explosive actions throughout the game. The physical component is linked to the technical element of running with the

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2 v 2 Game with Extras

By Alex Trukan

The 2v2+2 practice on two goals focuses on developing Anaerobic Endurance in a game scenario. From a physical point of view it helps to sustain high intensity actions throughout the whole match what can be crucial element especially in the last minutes of the game. As all the players are active and involved in the game, it is very engaging practice for almost every age group.

Set-Up and Directions

Organise a pitch of 25x35 yards with a goal on each end. Divide the pitch into two halves. One goalkeeper should be starting in each goal. Divide the group into two teams of four. Two players from each team should be inside the area and two of them outside on the opposite sides as shown on the diagram below. The game starts from the goalkeeper.


The aim of two players in the middle is to score in the

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Passing Pattern 'Y' to Improve Aerobic Power

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is an unopposed, continuous passing pattern aimed at developing aerobic power. Passing tempo and position interchanges forces players to be constantly on the move below their anaerobic threshold. Therefore, the practice is focused on developing the capacity to recover and sustain prolonged match conditions.

Set-Up and Directions

Organise 8 cones and players as shown on the diagram. Distance between first and second cones from the bottom should be half shorter than the distance between the second and third. Min. number of players for this exercise is 8.


The practice starts with a player on the bottom cone who makes a vertical pass forwards. The receiver on the

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Attacking in the Middle Third and Anaerobic Capacity

By Alex Trukan

This game-related practice combines tactical and physical development focus. From the tactical perspective, its aim is to improve attacking from the middle third by exploiting the space in behind of the defence using dribbling, through passes and forward runs with and without the ball. Apart from that, it develops Aerobic Capacity which is crucial for maintaining the quality of actions throughout the whole match by quick recovery after high intensity efforts.

Set-Up and directions

Set up a pitch of approximately 30x40 yards (depending on players’ characteristics) with a separate area in the middle third as shown on the diagram. Divide the team into two groups of 4. There should be one goalkeeper in each goal.


The starting point of this game is in the middle third. Two teams compete and

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2v2+2 End Line Game

By Alex Trukan

The 2v2+2 game is designed to develop anaerobic power altogether with dribbling and ball control skills. Relatively small space and constant pressure requires the players in possession to look for space and adjust by quick movement with and without the ball.

Set up and directions
Organise a rectangle of approximately 15x20 m. Divide the team into three teams of two. Two teams play in the middle area and two remaining players are positioned one on each side as shown on the diagram. The aim of the team in possession is to dribble through the opposite end line, which is defended by the other team.


The game starts by coach playing the ball into attacking team, which tries to

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Shooting In Transition Practice

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is based on transition phase from attack to defense. Ability to prevent counter-attack recently became more important with the teams scoring more goals from the counter-attacks and quick attacks. In this practice, that is connected with shooting and running with the ball content to develop technical corner and anaerobic power from physical point of view.

Set up and directions:
Organize two full-sized goals 40-50 meters apart from each other. Set up two gates and divide the team into two groups as shown on diagram. Each player needs one ball. Goalkeepers should be positioned in goals.


The practice starts with the first player from one group dribbling towards the opposite goal. His aim is to

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Running With the Ball and Shooting to Develop Anaerobic Power

By Alex Trukan

The exercise is focused on improving anaerobic power in counter-attack scenario. This physical component is required to produce actions on high speed and strength. One of the examples of such scenario include 1v1 against the goalkeeper with a defender chasing from the back. Simple organisation and competitiveness of this practice makes it easy to understand and engaging.

Set up and directions:
Set up cones as on diagram. Organize two groups: attackers and defenders. First attacker starts between two red markers. All defenders have one ball each. Goalkeeper is positioned in the goal. Allow relatively big space to run with the ball (depending on players’ characteristics).


The practice starts with the first defender playing the ball to attacker positioned between

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1v1 Circuit focused on Anaerobic Endurance

By Alex Trukan

This practice combines multiple 1v1 situations with the physical component of Anaerobic Endurance. The organisation of the exercise allows many repetitions of maximal intensity efforts, what is aimed to improve the ability of the body to sustain high quality (speed and strength) actions throughout the whole match. Competitive format of this practice aids motivation and doesn't require much concurrent involvement of the coach. Ideally, this 1v1 circuit is designed for 8 players and a goalkeeper, however it can be adapted to suit other numbers as well.

Set up and directions:
Organize an area of two penalty box sizes. Set up two full sized goals on the opposite sides, facing each other. There should be one goalkeeper in each goal. Divide the team into pairs. Starting positions as shown on diagram. Assistant coach or player from the group behind is required to pass the ball into the area.


The practice starts as the ball is played into the area, between two players. The ball should be passed at the

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Continuous 2v1 to Develop Anaerobic Endurance

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is focused on developing dribbling and decision-making skills altogether with Anaerobic Endurance. Games containing 2v1 scenarios can be used as a progression to 1v1 situations. That places additional demand on players: decision making – dribble or pass? The organisation of this practice allows players to develop physical component of Anaerobic Endurance. That ability is responsible for producing high quality (speed and strength) actions throughout the whole match.

Set up and directions:
Set up a rectangle of 30x15 m., divide it into three areas as shown on the diagram. Organise the team into groups of two players. On one rectangle, there should be three pairs practicing. Two pairs start on the cones opposite to each other, while third pair stays in the middle: each player between two middle cones. There is one ball needed for a group, however, additional balls should be ready around the area.


The game starts on the first touch of the player with the ball - he can either

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1v1 situations and Anaerobic Power

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is focused on developing Anaerobic Power in one of the variations of 1v1 situation. Organisation of the practice encourages players to dribble, shoot and change direction on the maximum intensity.

Set up and directions
Set up a 30x40 yards area with one goal, 4 cones and 3 markers as shown on the diagram below. Width of each goal to dribble through should be 4 yards, while the distance between each marker should be between 8 to 12 yards. One player (defender) starts on the marker between two goals, one player on the middle marker and the rest of the players on the marker furthest away from the full-sized goal. Each player from that group should have one ball. The game starts as the player from that group passes the ball into the middle player. The defender becomes active on the first touch of the receiver. After one pair (attacker and defender) has finished they join back of the queue and another two players start. Players should switch their roles after each repetition.

As we can see below, on the first touch of the attacking player, defender becomes

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Anaerobic Endurance in 5v5+4 Conditioned Game

By Alex Trukan

This Conditioned Game is designed to improve Anaerobic Endurance needed to sustain high intensity actions. The type of the practice ensures high engagement and effort from players. In opposite to technique and skill type activities, this practice has more football context, what makes players understand the relevance of it.

Set up and directions
Set up a pitch with two goals and dimensions of 30x40 yards. Organise two teams of 9 players (8+goalkeeper). Four players from each team should be positioned inside the playing area, while another four should stay outside the area on the attacking half (2 next to the goal from each side, 2 on the opposite touchlines). Inside players can use their teammates positioned outside but they in turn can only use 1 touch to play back and they can’t score. There are no corners (goalkeeper starts from a goal kick). After the goal is scored, the game starts from the goalkeeper as well. Players should be encouraged to reset the game very quickly. Number of players used can be varied but that should reflect dimensions used.

As we can see on the diagram below, outside players can only

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Passing and Anaerobic Endurance

By Alex Trukan

Passing is recognised as one of the core skills in football. This pattern practice focuses on improving this component altogether with anaerobic endurance. That will enable players to sustain the quality of actions throughout the whole match.

Set up and directions:
Organise four cones (2 cones and 2 markers) 20-25 yards apart from each other diagonally as shown on the diagram. Divide players into two groups and set one group on one marker and the second group on the opposite marker. Only one ball will be used in the practice but min. of 4 balls should be placed around and supplied immediately when needed. The practice starts as the first player passes the ball to the opposite group.

After the pass is made, opposite player plays the ball back (one or two touches) and the game continues. Player who has made a pass sprints to

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Anaerobic Capacity With Dribbling

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is focused on developing anaerobic capacity. Improving this physical component enables players to sustain maximal speed and strength of actions throughout the whole match. In addition, the practice integrates dribbling and ball manipulation.

Set up and directions
Organise a square of appropriate dimensions to suit group characteristics. Place cones or sticks around the area as shown on diagram. Distance between each marker should be 6-8 yards (players should dribble on the distance of 15-25 yards overall).

Organise players with one ball each in the middle of the square. Their task is to dribble in the square (low speed). This can be altered with ball manipulation or juggling. Exercise is flexible in terms of number of players. The amount of dribbling “stations” should be adjusted accordingly to enable all players to practice at the same time.


On the coach’s signal, each player dribbles on the maximal speed to the nearest available group of cones and makes a

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Developing Anaerobic Fitness Using Sprints

By Jebreel Bubtana

This exercise will work on the anaerobic fitness of your players in a fun and competitive environment. As soccer involves a lot of short sprints, this exercise will focus on this.

Set up the field as shown below with two cones 8 yards apart. You can set up multiple areas so that your whole team can work on this, with two players per area facing each other in the middle between the two cones (figure 1).


The players will give themselves a letter, A or B. A’s will start by

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1v1's With a Conditioning Element

By Jebreel Bubtana

This exercise is a great way to have your players work hard and have fun at the same time. This helps to develop aerobic and anaerobic fitness as it involves many short sprints and changes of direction as well as recovering as a defender.
Split your team into groups of 3 and set up the field as shown below in figure 1.

Continuous 1v1  - 1

The attacker starts with the ball must score in either of the two gates at the

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Working on Anaerobic Endurance, First Touch and How to Lose a Defender

By Jebreel Bubtana

This is a great exercise to use to work on first touch and develop your player's endurance levels. I have used 10 players in this exercise as an example; however the numbers can be modified depending on the size of your squad. The exercise starts with 5 players on the outside of the area with a ball each and the other 5 players in the middle of the area without a ball (figure 1).

Working on Anaerobic Endurance, First Touch and How to Lose a Defender - 1

The players in the middle run towards the outside players and when they are around 5 yards away, the ball will be passed to them by

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A Simple Exercise to Develop Short Passing Ability, Speed Dribbling Technique, Starting Speed and Anaerobic Capacity

By Justin Cresser Author of Total Soccer Conditioning: A Ball Orientated Approach

Today’s exercise is a simple exercise that focuses on speed dribbling, short passing and sprinting over short distances. We have also structured the exercise so that the work-to-rest ratio used targets the player’s anaerobic capacity.

Set-up and Directions:
Divide your players into groups of three. For each group, set up a 15 by 10 yard rectangular grid. Have one the three players stand in the centre of the rectangular grid. Give the other two players a ball each and have them stand on the corners of one of the long sides of the rectangle (See Figure 1).

Play is initiated with the player at the bottom of the rectangle dribbling as quickly as possible, but under control until they

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Functional Training for the Central Defender and Striker: 1 v 1 to a Big Goal while Receiving under Pressure

By Justin Cresser Author of Total Soccer Conditioning: A Ball Orientated Approach

In this week’s article, we continue with our series that focuses on developing position-specific conditioning needs. The exercise presented below targets both central defenders and strikers and is taken from my book entitled: Total Soccer Conditioning: A ball-Oriented Approach.

The objectives of this activity are to i) coach defenders and strikers the technique and tactics required in 1 v situations close to goal; ii) improve the ability of the striker to receive under pressure; and iii) develop anaerobic endurance.

Set-up and Directions: This activity uses the 18-yard box and the area just outside it for the playing area. Have 5 to 6 players, with a ball each, stand 5 yards outside of the 18-yard box. They should be spaced equally apart. Instruct your central defender and your striker to stand at the penalty spot facing the players with the ball (Figure 1).

Play is initiated by the striker who tries to evade their marker to receive a ball in space (Figure 2). They can receive the ball from any of the players on the

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A Modified Warm-Up Routine to Focus on Anaerobic Endurance and Agility

By Justin Cresser Author of Total Soccer Conditioning: A Ball Orientated Approach

Today’s activity is one that I routinely use as a warm-up routine and to keep my players technically sharp. However, I recently modified the format of the exercise to focus on anaerobic endurance and agility. The great thing about this exercise is that you can vary the technical element in several ways to touch on a variety of skills. Another benefit is that it involves all players at the same time.

Set-up and Directions:

Divide your players into groups of two. Each pair will need a ball. For each group; have the player with the ball stand on edge of the 18 yard box with the ball in their hands. The partner of this player should stand at a small cone placed 10 yards away. Both players should in a straight line facing each other (Figure 1). Ensure each group is separated by about 3 to 4 yards.

Play begins with the players standing by the cones sprinting towards their partner on the

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