A Modified Warm-Up Routine to Focus on Anaerobic Endurance and Agility
By Justin Cresser Author of Total Soccer Conditioning: A Ball Orientated Approach
Today’s activity is one that I routinely use as a warm-up routine and to keep my players technically sharp. However, I recently modified the format of the exercise to focus on anaerobic endurance and agility. The great thing about this exercise is that you can vary the technical element in several ways to touch on a variety of skills. Another benefit is that it involves all players at the same time.
Set-up and Directions:
Divide your players into groups of two. Each pair will need a ball. For each group; have the player with the ball stand on edge of the 18 yard box with the ball in their hands. The partner of this player should stand at a small cone placed 10 yards away. Both players should in a straight line facing each other (Figure 1). Ensure each group is separated by about 3 to 4 yards.
Play begins with the players standing by the cones sprinting towards their partner on the
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