Tag Archives for " Aerobic Power "

2 v 2 + 2 Directional Possession

By Alex Trukan This practice is based on developing players’ endurance capacities to produce as many as possible high intensity actions. This happens through improving recovery time between high energy anaerobic efforts (i.e. player will recover after a sprint quicker). From the technical and tactical points of view, it focuses on developing possession and short

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Number Up and Number Down Game

By Alex Trukan This game is designed to improve players’ aerobic power which is responsible for the ability to produce more actions throughout the game. This will help players to be engaged and affecting the game right until the end of it. From the tactical point of view, it incorporates overload and underload scenarios which

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Counter-Attacking Possession Game

By Alex Trukan This possession game is aimed at improving players’ capacity to recover between high intensity actions, what will then enable them to produce more explosive actions when needed without losses in quality. That is linked with transition to attack scenario which forces players to make decisions whether to secure possession or counter-attack quickly.

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2v1 Practice to Develop Anaerobic Power

By Alex Trukan


This practice develops the ability to repeatedly produce high speed and power actions throughout the game. Relating to the context of the game, it might be used in a counter-attack scenario or when defending outnumbered. Simple set up and organisation makes it easy to adapt as well as manage regardless of the group size and ability level. On the top of that, players find this practice competitive and motivating.

Set up and directions

Organise an area of approximately 25x35 yards. Place two gates (3 yards width) on both ends of the area. Divide the team into two groups and further divide both groups into three smaller groups. There are three starting positions on each side of the area, between and next to the goals. The middle starting position is for defenders, while the two in the

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5 v 5 + 2 Transition Game to Develop Aerobic Power

By Alex Trukan

This game has many outcomes in different aspects of the player development. From the physical point of view, it develops aerobic power, which ensures the recovery between high intensity actions is quick and efficient. Apart from that, it focuses on the transition phase from defence to attack and vice versa. In addition it contains many specific technical elements like long passing, receiving and finishing. It is especially suitable for 14+ players.

Set up and directions

Cone off the area of approximately goal box width and 30-35 yards length. Place second goal on the end opposite the big goal. Divide the team into two groups of 6, place goalkeepers in goals. Four players from each team play inside the area (4v4 + GK’s), while two remaining players are positioned outside the

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Overloads and Underloads Game

By Alex Trukan

This is a great game focused on improving multiple physical attributes including aerobic and anaerobic power (high intensity efforts and recovery time between them). Apart from that it forces players to adapt to different overload and underload situations. From the technical point of view, it includes a variety of 1v1 and 2v1 situations which then build up into 4v4 game. The practice is suitable for almost every age group and level of players.

Set-Up and Directions

Organise a pitch of approximately 30x40 yards with one goal on each end. Divide the players into two groups and position them next to the goals. Organise one goalkeeper in each goal. Provide a

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'Find a Friend' Game to Develop Aerobic Power

By Alex Trukan

Passing and support exercise ‘Find a friend’ is an excellent method to develop aerobic power and capacity in a fun and engaging scenario. The main focus of the practice is to help players in developing an ability to sustain large volumes of physical effort due to faster recovery capacity. From the technical perspective, the presented game has various returns including: passing, receiving, support, creating space and movement. It is also highly adaptable to all abilities levels, numbers and age groups.

Set-Up and Directions
Organise a 25x25 yards box with four small boxes of 4x4 yards, one in each of the corners. Set one neutral player in each of the boxes, and divide the rest of the group into pairs. Two pairs are attackers and have one ball per two players. Minimum one pair is defending. Area size and

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Possession game 4 v 4 + 4

By Alex Trukan

The presented exercise is focused on improving Aerobic Power, a physical quality essential for quicker recovery between high intensity efforts, which is possible due to the better oxygen supply to the working muscles. In addition to that, this practice also develops passing, creating space and movement in order to maintain possession.

Set-Up and Directions

Organise a square of approximately 30 x30. Divide the team into three groups of four. One neutral group stays outside the square, while two groups compete against each other inside the area.

The aim of the black team in possession is to

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Overload Switching Play Game

By Alex Trukan

This exercise is focused on improving aerobic power as well as tactical content of switching play. From conditioning perspective, the practice will help players to recover quicker and sustain the quantity of actions throughout the whole game. Apart from that, players will learn how and when to switch the point of attack (team in possession) as well as how to defend as a compact block when overloaded by the opponent (defending team).

Set-Up and directions

Organise a pitch of approximately 50x25 yards with two goals on each end in the corners. Divide the team into two groups, one of which should have one player more than the other. There are no goalkeepers but the goal can only be scored from one-touch finish on the attacking half. The team that has more players starts every time from the own half. After set period of time, the roles can be rotated.


Having less players then the opposition and defending goals in wide areas will force the

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