All Posts by Mike Saif

Strength and Defensive Position Training

By Philip Cauchi Description: Strength training involves u high amount of muscular tension to oppose a resistance. In soccer, strength training to develop strength should be done in relation to what the players require to perform at their best on match day. Position and role specific strength development depends however on general strength. General strength

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2v2+GK Explosive Sprints

By Philip Cauchi Development of the soccer domains: Technical: Quality of technical actions performed at speed and under opposition pressure. Turn with the ball, dribble at speed, pass with accuracy, oriented first touch and finish at goal with accuracy. Tactical: In the offensive phase, provide quick support in attack while timing forward runs. Follow up

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Rondo Death Star

By Matthew Carroll - Description: This multi-ball rondo forces players to scan the field to recognize passing opportunities and stimuli from multiple angles. The use of the middle coaching stick grid alleviates the problem of players figuring out a pattern and leads to increasing randomness and creativity. Setup: A rondo circle is set up with

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