Why Footwork is Critical For High Balls

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on footwork for high balls.

Start with a keeper on the top of the 6 yard box and a server at the top of the 18 with some balls. Place a cone 3 yards from the goal line and 2 yards in from each post.


The purpose of this activity is to have the keeper get back and behind the ball before coming forward on high balls.

The server tosses the ball up high to the side and slightly behind the keeper.


The keeper must get back behind the ball and then come forward to go up and catch the ball (the cones are there as guides so the keeper has to get behind the cone and then come forward to get the ball.


Not only does the keeper have to get back behind the ball before coming forward the keeper must also use the proper footwork to do so. In the example below this would mean the keeper takes a drop step with his left first first to get his body facing the correct way.


When the keeper gets back far enough and then comes forward his last step would be off of his left foot so he can propel himself up and forward with his right knee thrown up to create momentum and protection.

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Once the ball is caught the same thing is done to the other side. In that case, the drop step is with his right foot and when he gets back far enough he will jump off the right foot and use his left knee to propel himself up.

Do this 10 times to each side. Each time serve the ball higher and further away to challenge the keeper to use proper footwork.

Have a great day!


By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

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