Passing Under Pressure and Moving After the Pass

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter.  Today’s featured activity works on passing under pressure and moving after the pass.

Start with 4 lines of players, with each line in the middle of an endline of a 25 x 25 area.  One player starts with a ball.


The sequence is quite simple.  The player with the ball passes to his right and runs to his left.  The player opposite the passer runs at the passer.


This results in the players as shown below.


The sequence continues.

drills251d drills251e

The player sprinting at the passer starts as the ball is getting to the passer so it adds some pressure to the passer.

You can do this as a two touch passing activity, which forces the receiver to touch the ball away from the runner, or as a one touch passing activity which forces everyone to sprint hard to be ready for the next activity.

In the beginning the players might get a bit confused which will result in them adding communication into the activity but as they catch on, they will be sprinting hard, passing away from pressure and moving after the pass.

Have a great day!


By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

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