Tag Archives for " Explosive Power "

Running with the Ball Relay Race

By Alex Trukan This practice is designed to develop players’ ability to accelerate over short distances as well as generate power when sprinting and competing for the ball. It also has change of direction element which challenges players’ agility. From the technical point of view, players mainly developing running with the ball skills. This practice

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Turning to Finish

By Alex Trukan This practice is aimed at developing explosive power and acceleration. This physical quality is crucial when competing in 1v1 duels, sprinting to win the ball or chasing the striker. In this practice, conditioning element is combined with 1v1 duel as well as technical ability to turn and finish. It is highly engaging

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Combined Crossing and Finishing

By Alex Trukan This practice combines technical elements of finishing and crossing. This is achieved in a 1v1 scenario which replicates demands of the game. The main physical focus is to develop explosive power which is responsible for winning running duels and leads to effective delivery of the end product. For example, a player with

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Overlap 2 v 1

By Alex Trukan The following practice includes a simple 2v1 scenario with an overlap run. This is realistic and relevant picture which happens all over the pitch, from full back overlapping winger to central midfielder overlapping the striker. From the conditioning point of view, the practice develops explosive power which is the foundation to improve

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Rondos with Explosive Power

By Alex Trukan The ability to accelerate and be explosive is one of the key physical components in football that make a difference in the game. It is needed both in defence when recovering and pressurising as well as in attack when trying to beat a defender. This practice focuses on this conditioning element altogether

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2v2+2 End Line Game

By Alex Trukan

The 2v2+2 game is designed to develop anaerobic power altogether with dribbling and ball control skills. Relatively small space and constant pressure requires the players in possession to look for space and adjust by quick movement with and without the ball.

Set up and directions
Organise a rectangle of approximately 15x20 m. Divide the team into three teams of two. Two teams play in the middle area and two remaining players are positioned one on each side as shown on the diagram. The aim of the team in possession is to dribble through the opposite end line, which is defended by the other team.


The game starts by coach playing the ball into attacking team, which tries to

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Explosive Power In Continuous 1v1s

By Alex Trukan

The exercise is focused on improving explosive power in 1v1 situations. This fitness component is responsible for better quality of speed and strength in football actions. Therefore, development of explosive power can help in winning running duels, dribbling and 1v1 scenario. 

Set up and directions

Organise an area of 20x30 m. with goals placed on each end and marked with cones. Divide a team into two groups of 4 (one goalkeeper per group). Make sure the are min. 4 balls in each goal. The exercise starts with a goalkeeper playing the ball into one of the players from his team. Each 1v1 game lasts up to 6 seconds or to the first goal scored.


As we can see on the diagram below, the game will often require a player in possession to

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