All Posts by Mike Saif

Communication Between Different Lines

By Philip Cauchi This session is designed towards improving the team’s collaboration during the build-up phase. High levels of communication between the different lines and sectors of the team are highly required for a successful outcome. The players are put in situations that are challenging and which requires them to perceive, select and execute the

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Debate – Liverpool or Manchester City-Klopp or Guardiola – Video

This was a live debate with Barry Walmsley and Steve Breakell, both ex soccer players and coaches...and most importantly, Barry is a big Manchester City fan and Steve is a big Liverpool fan.We discussed who had the better season in 2018/19, who plays the better style, who are the key players and more.  If you

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Debate – Direct Play or Possession – Video

This discussion with Alex Mason, DOC, Sporting Omaha and Mike Smith, Head Coach, University Heights Academy Boys Soccer, Hopkinsville, KY, breaks down the strengths and weaknesses of the 4-3-3 and the 4-2-3-1. Both share how they line up defensively and how that changes when in possession.  They also explain how their line ups and tactics

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Debate – 4-3-3 v 4-2-3-1 Which Is Better – Video

This discussion with Alex Mason, DOC, Sporting Omaha and Mike Smith, Head Coach, University Heights Academy Boys Soccer, Hopkinsville, KY, breaks down the strengths and weaknesses of the 4-3-3 and the 4-2-3-1. Both share how they line up defensively and how that changes when in possession.  They also explain how their line ups and tactics

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Speed Development With Shadow Play 3vGK

By Anthony Hazelwood The following activity has three lines of players working on patterns of play. Players will be working to adapt their speed production within the creatine phosphate system. Play will begin from the attacking middle third area. To begin, three lines of players will work on different patterns of play to goal. The

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