Dribbling Passing and Receiving Drill

By Arthur Bell -

Area – Half pitch.
Players x 12 - 20
Markers x 12 red.
Balls x 4

Outside players have a ball each.

Player 1, dribbles towards cone in front, turns and dribble back to initial marker and turns again.
Player then plays a pass to player 2 in the centre.
Player 2 receives and plays ball to player 3.
All outside players start at the same time.

Players follow their pass.

1. Change direction of the drill.
2. The player must perform a named 1 v 1 skill e.g. stepover, to make space round the marker before the pass.
3. The player must perform a 1 v 1 skill of their choice to make space round the marker before the pass.
4. For passing and receiving only, remove the inside dribbling markers.

By Arthur Bell

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