Give and Go Drill

By Arthur Bell -

Area – 20yd x 20yd box.
Players x 6
Markers x 6 red.

Player 1 plays to Player 2 and then closes Player 2.

Player 2 plays a “one two” off Player 3 and around Player 1.

As soon as Player 2 has played the “one-two”, Player 3 closes Player 2.
Player 2 plays a “one-two” off Player 4 and past Player 3.

As soon as Player 4 has set ball back to Player 2, Player 4 closes down Player 2.
Player 2 plays a “one-two” off Player 5 and around Player 4.

Player 2 passes to Player 6.
Then the process starts again in the opposite direction.

1. Players play a maximum of two touch.
2. Players play one touch.
3. How many sequences in a specified time e.g. two minutes?
4. Compete against another group.

By Arthur Bell

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