Are You Still Doing Shuttle Runs With Your Players?

Well, it's that time of year again.  The season is fast approaching and plans are already being made for pre-season training by coaches all over the world.  One of the critical parts of pre-season training is of course the fitness and conditioning element.  Actually, it is now becoming a crucial part of regular season training sessions now that fitness and athleticism is becoming more of a factor for the success of any team at any level.

The problem for most coaches, is that conditioning ideas, methods and workouts are evolving so quickly, it's practically impossible for a coach to keep up with the latest trends.  It wasn't too long ago that having your players do some static stretching followed by shuttle runs would get the job done.  If you did that today, you would get laughed at by the conditioning experts.

So unless you have a specialist conditioning coach with your team or club, then what should you do?  Well, you could spend hours online researching and educating yourself on the latest trends...

But if you don't have hours to spend searching online and you don't want to conduct dated conditioning workouts like shuttle runs, then why not check out our latest books, Total Soccer Conditioning Vol 1&2 by soccer conditioning specialist, Justin Cresser?

These books have over 300 pages and packed full of the latest methods and ideas of combining conditioning workouts WITH A BALL.  So you will no longer have to give up time focusing on tactical or technical work in order to do some running.

These books have enough drills and exercises that you will still be finding new stuff next season.  Your players will really appreciate being able to get in shape while still enjoying having a ball at their feet.

Check these books out.  We are getting incredible feedback in the short time they have been released.

Best Wishes

Mike Saif

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