Dealing With High Balls

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the Goalkeeping Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on catching high balls and using proper footwork.

Start with a keeper in goal and a server at the top of the D. There are two flags on the 6 yard line even with the posts. The server has a ball in his hands.


The keeper starts by sprinting around the outside of one of the cones and catching a lofted ball from the server (the ball should be tossed up so it comes down around the 12).


When the keeper comes from this angle, he jumps off of his left leg using his right leg for protection. He catches the ball at a high level, returns it to his server and then sprints back the same way he came, and then returns to his starting point and does the same thing around the opposite cone.

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When the keeper comes from this angle, he jumps off of his right leg using his left leg for protection.

It’s important for keepers to learn to jump off of each leg and to use the proper leg for protection and this activity does a good job of giving them the opportunity to work on both lefts.

Have a great day!


By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

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