Dynamic Training For Overlaps

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on passing and overlaps.

Start with two lines of players 30 yards apart and two players in the middle, 15 yards apart. There is a ball with the first player in one of the lines.


The player with the ball passes to one of the middle players and then follows his pass.


The receiving player passes to the other middle player and then follows his pass.


The player with the ball passes to the initial runner who has kept his run going and then follows his pass.


The player with the ball passes to the opposite line and then goes to the back of that line.


This sequence then starts up again, in the opposite direction.

[wpsharely id="1204"][/wpsharely]


The things to remember in this activity is the players always follow their pass with a sprint, the middle players keep switching positions and the players on the endlines make continuous overlapping runs.

Done properly this is a fast moving, fluid activity.

Have a great day!


By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

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