Youth Soccer Skills Games Part 3

By Chris Kouns
USSF A License (USSF Coaching Education Instructor) – NSCAA Premier Diploma (NSCAA Coaching Education Associate Staff Coach) – Head Women’s Soccer Coach – Georgia Gwinnett College

In these activities we are helping children in the formative stages of their soccer development become more comfortable with the ball and adjusting the pressure on the ball so they can still be competitive.

Red Light - Green Light


Create a starting line for each of the players, and the coach should move 15-20 yards away.


With the coaches back to the players, he yells GREEN LIGHT and the players try to dribble to the coach. When the coach yells RED LIGHT, he waits a moment and then turns to face the players. Anyone who is not stopped has to go back to the farthest person from the coach.


WCC #29 Activity 1


  • Have the players dribble with only the right or left foot.
  • Have coach hold up red cone or green cone so the players have to keep head up to see the color.

Coaching Points

  • Make sure the players keep the ball close so they can stop quickly.
  • Move the ball under control and don’t just kick the ball.

Hitters and Dodgers


With disk cones, outline a grid that is about 15X15 yards. You might want to make it a bit bigger or smaller depending on the age and number of kids you have. You will need to have a ball for each player; however, only 3 players start off with balls. The remaining balls should be placed outside the grid. The three players with balls are called the "hitters". The remaining players should start off scattered throughout the grid they are the "dodgers".


Instruct the “hitters" to dribble inside the grid and attempt to pass the ball to any of the "dodgers" and hit them with the ball. The "dodgers" are attempting to avoid being hit by the "hitters". If a "dodger" is hit, he must collect a ball from the extra balls outside the grid and join the hitters. The last players standing win.

WCC #29 Activity 2


  • Allow players to be dribbling the balls inside the grid. If the “hitters” can hit their ball then they must dribble outside the grid and back in again to continue playing.

Coaching Points

  • Coaches should talk to the hitters about keeping their ball close to the while getting their heads up to find the dodgers.
  • Coaches should focus on good passing form: using the inside of the foot with good pace on the ball.
  • Focus on the plant foot as a guide to help the ball go where you want it to go.
  • If using the dribble variation then players should understand different ways to turn the ball quickly.

Revenge of the Soccer Ball


Create a grid approximately 25X30 yard grid (the size of the grid can be adjusted depending on the age and number of players). Have all of the teammates spread out on one of the end lines without a ball. The coach or coaches should be in the middle of the grid with every ball.


On the coach’s command, every player must sprint from one side of the grid to the other while avoiding balls being knocked at them by the coaches in the middle. The Coach attempts to hit the players as they pass from the knee down.
If a player is struck by the coach’s pass, those players collect the balls and join the coach’s in the middle of the grid attempting to hit the remaining players. The last player standing wins!


WCC #29 Activity 3


  • Have the players dribble their balls from one end to the other and the coaches will try to hit their balls with passes.
  • Have the coaches try to dribble from one end to the other and the players will try to hit their balls with passes

Coaching Points

  • Players should try to replicate the type of passes the coaches are using to get people out.
  • Players should lift their head to avoid being struck with the ball.
  • Players should use inside of foot to play passes to hit people.
  • Placement, not power, is the key to passing.
  • Encourage players to have fun!

By Chris Kouns: USSF A License (USSF Coaching Education Instructor) – NSCAA Premier Diploma (NSCAA Coaching Education Associate Staff Coach) – Head Coach Georgia Gwinnet College Women’s Soccer (GA)

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