Change of Direction Game

By Alex Trukan

This game is designed to improve players’ ability to recover quickly between high intensity actions by improving aerobic energy system power. It has also positive effect on agility (i.e. ability to change direction and speed) as well as spatial awareness. From the technical point of view, it is focused on developing recognition of when to turn as well as mechanics of how to do it. In addition, it contains a lot of finishing and break through situations what further challenges speed and acceleration over short distances as well as makes it really enjoyable for the players.

Set up and directions

Set up a 25 x 35 yards pitch with two goals as shown on the diagram below. Organise two goalkeepers, one in each goal. Divide the group into two teams of four. Set up a 25 x 8 yards zone in the middle of the pitch.


The game starts with a goalkeeper playing the ball into one of the teams (coach’s choice). Player to which the ball is passed should be positioned in the area between the goal and a middle zone (can’t go into the middle zone).

The team in possession can score in any of the two goals but before that, the ball has to visit the middle zone. It needs to be dribbled into the middle zone. Pass into the middle zone is not allowed. As we can see below, after the player dribbles into the middle zone, he can turn back to where he came from and score in the goal.


[wpsharely id="1886"][/wpsharely]

The ball can be passed out from the middle zone, whether into the direction of the goal where it came from or into opposite one. The game starts out again from the goalkeeper into a team that didn’t have possession.


The game should be played for up to 3 mins. and repeated 6-10 times in 2 series. The rest period between repetitions should be up 1-2 mins. and between series – 4 mins.


  • 5v5 + goalkeepers
  • Turn back for two points
  • Visit both halves before scoring into the goal where the ball came from

By Alex Trukan, Development Coach, Nottingham Forest


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