Unopposed Cover and Press Defensive Training

By Jakub Pietrzak -

Due to trying to make session attractive and enjoyable for the players, coaches often focus mainly on the attacking part of the game to maximise the amount of time on the ball and improving the quality of their technical skills. When working with younger players (u12s) it is advisable as they can learn new things very quickly. As coaches we must make sure that we use that time well to maximise their ball comfort.

However, when working with older players we need to make sure that the defensive part gets enough focus as that’s an inherent ingredient of a good player. Nowadays the tempo of the game requires all 11 players being involved in the defensive phase and transitions. To do that players have to be coached to have the right mentality of being a team player and basic skills when defending. The presented drills/example session focus on pressing the ball and covering. It teaches the players how to cooperates in groups of 2/3/4 or even more if you have enough player.

The first drill is all about coaching and getting the maximum focus out of players. Divide players in 2s and make them work in groups of 6. If you have a different number of players, create groups of 3 and make them swap after every set as the drill is quite intense if done properly.

Black players are passing the ball between each other and taking minimum of 4 touches (working on ball mastery) to give the other pair time to execute the drill. As the pass 1 is played yellow players have to make sure that they have access the ball by pressing it and cover through the second players positioning.
Pressure has to be put very quick so the player on the ball can’t receive the ball forwards. Make sure that you explain your players the details as that drill is all about learning the basic ‘technique’ of defending. To apply pressure, player has to Sprint, cut the distance Short, Slow down and Sit down while being Side on which will not allow the player on the ball to progress the game and force him to pass back or lose the ball. That is 5 S’s of defending 1v1.

In this drill apply passive pressure and players are not asked to win the ball back, it is all about teaching ‘front foot’ defending. Make sure the tempo of pressure and cover is quick enough that black players can’t play through or around yellows. Covering player must position behind pressing with an angle so he’s got access to the other player but doesn’t let player on the ball to play a through ball.

After 10 passes made, black players switch the play to reds and now they apply the pressure while red players are passing.

In the 2nd drill we do the same thing but working in groups of 3 and creating a triangle when the ball is in the middle. Same rules as in the previous drill so passive pressure but keeping the right distances between players. After 10 passes play the ball to the other side and switch with the pressing team.

Focus on covering players to track the pressing players and keep the distances right. Make sure they are on the front foot, ready to press or cover the 3rd player at any time. As the ball is played to the one of the players on the side try to teach them to be only on one half of the pitch to make sure the ball is not played between them.

By Jakub Pietrzak

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