How to Stay Onside in a Break-away Situation

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on getting to goal and staying onsides in a breakaway type situation.

Start with two attackers just across midfield and a defender at midfield. There is a second defender 10 yards back from the attacker with a ball and a keeper in goal.


As soon as the attacker with the ball touches the ball, the game is live. If the defender goes to the player with the ball he can play the ball into space for the other attacker to run onto.


The challenge for the runner, in this situation is to make sure he stays in an onside position until the pass is made. There will be a tendency for the runner to drift forward so he might have to slow his run down, curve his run or possibly run along the line until the pass is made.

If the defender goes with the runner, the player with the ball goes to goal. However, it’s important for this player to go at speed as their is a defender chasing from behind.


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The attacker with the ball also has the option of switching the point of attack with an early pass cross field and then he must focus on staying in an onside position.


Have the players work in groups of 4’s and they should rotate positions. With 3 or 4 groups of 4’s the players will get a LOT of work in a short period of time and will have to truly focus on staying in an onside position.

Have a great day!


By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

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