I continue to run one practice per week outdoor with my older teams during the winter months when weather permits. This means that we are often training when the it’s pretty cold. On very cold days I organize small-sided games to keep the players moving and loose. They get a lot more out of playing games than they would if I tried to coach specific concepts.
Playing small-sided game should not be a matter of dividing up into two teams and throwing the ball out. My favorite small-sided games are those that demand specific skills or tactics to be successful. These are the games that really teach players something rather than just have them use the skills and knowledge they already possess.
Here are three small-sided games that are a bit different than those you may have seen before but they are trying to draw out something very specific from the players. These games come from, ‘Brazilian Training Games’. This is my favorite resource for unique small-sided games. This book has given me many good games that have worked well with my teams.
GAME 16 – Transition – 3 Games
Organization: 2 teams – 6v6 to 9v9 + goalie
Description: 3 games are played in a progression. The coach controls and changes the games with a whistle or a signal.
Game 1: Regular game in half of the field with 2 regular goals. Vertically
Game 2: Horizontally 4 goals games with each scoring in 2 goals.
Game 3: In the whole field a possession game is played with each team trying to get 5 consecutive passes = 1 point.
Observation: in both situations (game 2 and 3) the goalies become field players
Coaching Points:
- Positional adjustment
- Fast transition offensive thru defensive situation and vice- versa
- Communication
Variation: 2 or 3 touch on the ball restriction
Equipment: balls, discs, small goals
GAME 17 – Transition – 3 Games + Colored Balls
Organization: 2 teams – 6v6 to 8v8 + goalie
Description: Same game as #16, in this case the coach will add 3 balls with different colors developing 3 specific rules.
- 2 touches = white ball
- Ball on the ground = gray ball
- Weak foot = black ball
Coaching Points:
- Communication
- Speed of thought
- Speed of improvisation
Equipment: colored balls, discs and small goals
GAME 18 – Transition – 3 Games + Handball
Organization: 2 teams – 6v6 to 8v8 + goalie
Description: 3 games will be play in a progression. The coach control and change the games with a whistle or a signal.
Game 1: Handball Goal Vertically (played with the hands)
Game 2: Horizontally 6 goals games with each team scoring in 3 goals.
Game 3: In the whole field a possession game is played with each team trying to get 5 consecutive passes = 1 point.
Coaching Points:
- Positional Adjustment
- Communication
- Speed of thought
Equipment: Discs, small goals and balls