Technical Passing Practices Using Different Shapes

Once we've taught players the proper technical components of passing (foot next to the ball, toes out and up, ankle locked, pass through the middle of the ball) then the natural progression is to have the players pass and move in a pattern in order to accommodate team of players and to replicate the shapes found inside of the game.

The most widely used shape is probably the classic 'Dutch Square'


This is a great pattern teach the players to receive the ball with their 'back foot' in order to open up and take their first touch in the direction of the next pass.


Diamond passing is similar but the angles are slightly different and the shape relates much more directly to the game because each pass is diagonal rather than flat and straight.



I find triangle useful because you can create passes of different lengths and different angles so that the players need to adapt their first touch and their pass to match.


The Dutch also have widely used the 'Y' or 'Wine Glass' pattern for exercises that include passing, dribbling and shooting.


Recently I saw some sessions that include the 'W' shape which is a very natural pattern in our game and relates closely to the diamond and triangle shape. This is another shape that can be altered to create shorter and longer passes as well.


The last pattern that I use frequently is a rectangle shape that is a great for working on Up-Back-and-Through patterns.

[wpsharely id="6889"] [/wpsharely]

Each of these patterns has wide variety passing combinations and movements that can be used to mirror the movements and passes within the game.

Do you have other patterns that you use or passing combinations that have worked well for you? Please share them in the comments section below.

Have a Great Day!


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