Tag Archives for " Flanks "

Developing Wing Play

By Alex Trukan

Attacking through the wings requires many unique characteristics of players, including not only technical and tactical side, but also physical and mental aspects. Qualities, such as speed, flair, combination play, patience or simply crossing technique are essential. From the tactical perspective, utilising wide areas can be useful due to the change in the attacking angle, more spaces to exploit or an opportunity to cross the ball into penalty box. Having all of that in mind, it is also crucial to avoid utilising wings just for the sake of doing it. Wing play should be used as a tool when attacking centrally is not available or difficult to execute, remembering that breaking through the centre is a priority.

Preparation Phase

Even before the ball is played out wide, it is important to open up spaces and get into starting positions enabling to attacking through the wings effectively. One way of doing it is to overload central areas of the pitch by the inside movements of wingers, strikers and central midfielders. That will enable the team to exchange a number of passes in the middle to drag the opposition towards the

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