One-Touch Passing and Shielding

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter.  Today’s featured activity works on one touch passing, shielding and taking players on.  For more activities similar to this check out the DVD 1 v 1 Attacking.

Start with 2 players in a 10 x 10 grid with one ball.

The two players are passing one touch while moving around the area.

When the coach calls “go” the player with the ball keeps the ball and the other player player defends.  The first thing the player with the ball should do is position their body to shield the ball from the defender.

Once the player has shielded the ball the next step is to try to create a little bit of space so they can turn.  This can be done by initiating contact or by feinting in one direction or by any means possible

Once the attacker can face the defender, he should try to take him on and beat him by dribbling past him.

Once this is done they go back to one touch passing until they hear “go” again.

The steps to remember in this activity are as follows:

  • one touch passing
  • shield the ball
  • turn
  • penetrate

1 v 1 attacking is such as important part of the game and is something all players need to work on.

For more activities similar to this check out the DVD 1 v 1 Attacking.

Have a great day!


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