From Rondos to Real Games - Part Three

From Rondos to Real Games
By Luca Bertolini

Table of Contents




Training session 5: Play behind an opponent line in the middle third (1)

Small-sided possession game: 4 + 2 v 3


Two teams of four (the black one) and of three players (the yellow one) are placed inside a three zones rectangular set-up, as well as two neutral players. Three possession players are placed inside the lower area, a 2 v 1 duel is played in the middle among the defenders and the first neutral player and another 2 v 1 duel is played inside the upper zone among one possession player and a neutral one against a defender. The goal for the team in possession is to pass through the areas, behind the first defenders line and to keep the possession for a fix limit of time inside the upper area, before passing the ball back to start the sequence again. If a defender wins the ball, he switches the position with the opponent who played the wrong pass.

• Keep the ball in the middle for a fix limit of time before passing back and forward behind the first defenders line.

Eye on: play decisive passes, be unmarked behind the defense line, keep the possession under pressure.

Rondo: 3 + 3 v 3


Two teams of three players are placed inside a three zones rectangular set-up as well as a third one of neutral players. Two possession players and a neutral one are placed inside the lower area, a 2 v 1 duel is played in the middle among the defenders and the second neutral player and another 2 v 1 duel is played inside the upper zone among one possession player and a neutral one against a defender. The goal for the team in possession is to pass through the areas, behind the first defenders line, while two of the three black players exchange their positions in the outer areas. If the defenders win the ball, they switch their positions with the opponents, passing the ball to the lower neutral player.

• Keep the ball in the upper area, playing 2 + 1 v 1 (or 2) for a fix limit of time before passing back to start the sequence again.

Eye on: play decisive passes, be unmarked behind the defense line, run without the ball to receive in behind.

Positional game: 3 + 3 v 3

Two teams of three players are placed inside a rectangular set-up, as well as a third one of neutral players. The possession team has the right and the left midfielders and the right or left forward; the neutral team has a center defender, the center midfielder and the center forward. The goal for the team in possession is to play forward, behind the defenders’ lines, through the lower center neutral player, while the wide forward drops back to receive first and the left midfielder runs deep to receive then, and to pass to the center forward to finish. If the defenders, who are always placed in the middle, win the ball, they switch their positions and the roles with the opponents, playing with the neutral players.

• One defender must switch the role as opposite wide forward
• If the defenders win the possession, they switch their positions with the neutral players.

Eye on: alternate runs to drop back and to run deep, close the passing lanes, quick transitions.

Transition: 3 + 1 v 3

If the defenders win the ball, they act as center defender, right and left fullbacks. They must counter attack, switching the side and scoring in one of the outer mini goals, in a 3 + 1 (center neutral midfielder) v 3 duel. One yellow player must run wide to receive from the center defender and the move must be finish on the other flank by the opposite fullback. The black players become defenders.

Training session 6: Play behind an opponent line in the middle third (2)

Small-sided possession game: 7 v 7 + 4

All the field players are placed inside a rectangular set-up; the playing area is wide as a regular pitch and long as from the penalty area borderline to the half line. Two teams of seven players are placed on the pitch in a 4 - 3 formation; four neutral players are placed on the right and on the left and up and down the set-up; they are free to move along the end lines and the sidelines. The goal for the possession team is to play from a neutral player on the end line to the other, though a wide one, and in behind the defenders. One player must always run from the back to receive and to play forward. When a sequence is completed, the team wins 1 point. If the defenders win the ball, they must play the same way, but passing the ball to the opposite wide neutral player.

• If the possession team is able to dribble the ball over an end line, 1 more point is won
• Keep the possession (with or without the neutral players) for a fix limit of time, before trying to complete the required sequence

Eye on: passing and receiving rhythm and awareness, runs without the ball, close the passing lanes

Double rondo: 4 + 2 v 3

The same set-up of the first practice is now divided into two areas where a double 4 + 2 v 3 duel is played. The neutral players are placed along one end line and on the left (or right) when move wide; the second player can decide where to move. The goal for the possession team is to alternate the passes among the possession players and the neutral ones, trying to find a free teammate in behind the three defenders’ line. One player must always run from the back to receive and to play forward. If the defenders win the ball, they must keep the possession in a 3 + 2 v 4 duel.

• The possession team must keep the possession for a fix limit of time, before trying to complete the sequence
• If the defenders win the ball, they play with neutral player along the sideline to find the upper one in the opposite direction

Eye on: play up and down passing sequences, move wide to be an option with the right time, save the depth spaces.

Positional game: 6 + 4 and goalkeeper v 8 + goalkeepers

All the field players are again placed inside the same rectangular set-up of the first practice and the goalkeepers are now added. The possession team is placed on the field in a 1-4-3-3 formation and the defending team is placed in a 1-4-3-1 formation; the neutral players are two center defenders, the center midfielder and the center forward. The goal for the team in possession is to free a wide forward in behind the defense line, alternating the passing sequence among the black players and the neutral ones. If the defenders win the ball, they counter attack in an 8 v 6 possession duel, as the neutral player can't be active in this situation. The new sequences always start from the goalkeeper of the black team.

• The scorer must be the opposite one from the side where the move started

Eye on: passing and receiving rhythm and awareness, pressure on the ball, create a strong side, close the passing lanes.

Transition: 8 v 8 possession game to counter attack

If the defenders win the ball, they counter attack in an 8 v 8 possession duel, as the center neutral players become active defenders for the black team.

Training session 7: Play wide in the middle third

Small-sided possession game: Double 4 v 4 + 1

Two playing areas are marked with a center space and a flank, the left one in the picture, and all the field players are divided into two groups, working separately. A 4 + 1 v 4 duel is played inside both the spaces. The goal for the team in possession is to keep the possession in a 3 v 3 duel in the center and to develop passing combinations on the flank in a 1 + 1 v 1 duel; the neutral player is a support for the wide possession black or yellow ones. Every time the sequence is completed, the team wins 1 point. A wall passing combination in the center is required, before trying to play wide. If the defenders win the ball, another free 4 + 1 v 4 duel starts to keep the possession for a fix limit of time to gain 1 point. The flanks can be changed on the field.

• If the possession player is able to dribble over the end line on the flank, the team wins another point
• One defender can equalize the number of players on the flank and if the ball is recovered, a 3 + 1 v 3 duel is played in the center to keep the possession for a fix limit of time

Eye on: play wide to free a teammate, create a strong area to play wide, cover the weak side

Double rondo: 3 + 2 v 4 - Play wide behind the first opposition line

A double 3 + 2 v 4 duel is now played inside the same set-ups of the first practice. The possession players must alternate the passes with the neutral ones and a wide player must receive unmarked on the flanks, after an overlap run and behind the defender. A 2 + 1 v 3 is played in the center and a 1 + 1 v 1 on the flank. If the defenders win the ball, another free 3 v 2 + 1 duel starts to keep the possession for a fix limit of time in the center, to gain 1 point.

• If the possession player is able to dribble over the end line on the flank, the team wins another point
• One defender can equalize the number of players on the flank and if the ball is recovered a 3 v 2 duel is played in the center to keep the possession for a fix limit of time, as the neutral players can't be active in this situation

Eye on: passing / receiving rhythm, play wide to free a teammate, overlap timing, cover the weak side

Positional game: 3 + 3 v 3

A double 3 + 3 v 3 duel is now played inside the same set-ups. The possession team has the right and the left midfielders, who can't be placed on the same line and the center forward; the neutral team has the center midfielder, an advanced left fullback and the left forward (or the right ones, if the game is organized to work on the right flank). Three defenders must try to recover the possession. The goal for the team in possession is free the left forward behind the defenders, thanks to the center forward, who must drop back to open the space; the passes must be alternated among the possession and the neutral players. If the defenders win the ball, they switch their positions and roles with the players who lost the possession.

• If the left forward is able to dribble over the end line on the flank, the possession team wins another point

Eye on: alternate moves of the left and right midfielders, drop back and overlap runs timing, pressure in the center space

Transition: 3 v 3 duel to counter attack from the flanks through the center space

If the defenders win the ball, they must counter attack through the center space, to finish in the mini goals that are now added. The roles of the new possession team are now the right fullback and forward and the center forward. The defending team can be the neutral one or the one that lost the possession.

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