30 Finishing Rondos - Part Two

30 Finishing Rondos
By Luca Bertolini

Table of Contents



Single Grid Rondos

Exercise 1: 2 + 1 v 1 - Third man finishing (1)

Two black players are placed along one of the longer sides of a rectangle and along one of the shorter sides. One neutral player and one defender are placed in the middle of the deep rectangular playing space. The objective for the couple in possession is to pass the ball forward to the neutral player, to move wide to receive from behind the defender to open an available space. The third man who started the sequence is the one who finishes after a change of direction and an inside run. The neutral player can attack the second time of the ball to finish.

• The defender can shoot directly if he wins the possession
• The couple in possession must finish within a fixed limit of time
• Keep the possession for a minimum amount of time before shooting
• The neutral player supports the defender after a save of the goalkeeper or a rebound

Eye on: finish as third man, cover the passing or shooting lanes, win the second time of the ball to finish.

Exercise 2: 2 + 1 v 1 - Third man finishing (2)

Two black players are placed along one of the longer sides of a rectangle and along one of the shorter sides. One neutral player and one defender are placed in the middle of the deep rectangular playing space. The objective for the couple in possession is to pass the ball forward to the neutral player and to move wide to receive from behind the defender to open an available space. The third man who started the sequence is the one who finishes after an overlap run to receive the ball from a triangle passing sequence between the wide player and the neutral one. The neutral player can attack the second time of the ball to finish. The defender is asked to cover the overlap run of the forward.

• The defender can shoot directly if he wins the possession
• The couple in possession must finish within a fixed limit of time
• Keep the possession for a minimum amount of time before finishing
• The neutral player supports the defender after a save of the goalkeeper or a rebound

Eye on: finish as third man, cover the overlapping lanes, win the second time of the ball to finish.

Exercise 3: 2 + 1 v 1 - Third man finishing (3)

Two black players are placed along one of the longer sides of a rectangle and along one of the shorter sides. One neutral player and one defender are placed in the middle of the deep rectangular playing space. The objective for the couple in possession is to pass the ball forward to the neutral player and to move wide to receive from behind the defender to open an available space. The third man who started the sequence is the one who finishes after an inside run to receive the ball from a triangle passing sequence between the wide player and the neutral one, who receives the return pass wide on the opposite side of the first pass. The neutral player can attack the second time of the ball to finish. The defender is asked to cover the inside run of the forward.

• The defender can shoot directly if he wins the possession
• The couple in possession must finish within a fix limit of time
• Keep the possession for a minimum amount of time before finishing
• The neutral player supports the defender after a save of the goalkeeper or a rebound

Eye on: finish as third man, cover the inside runs lanes, win the second time of the ball to finish

Single grid Rondos (2)

Exercise 4: 2 + 1 v 1 - Combine and finish with one touch

Two black players are placed along two sides of a square playing space. One neutral player is placed along the third side and one defender is placed in the middle. The objective for the couple in possession is to keep the possession for a minimum amount of time together with the neutral player. After this limit of time, the neutral player can decide when to run inside to receive the ball from the lower player; this sequence must bring the opposite wide player to finish with one touch behind the defender. The neutral player must change the side of positioning every whenever a new sequence starts. The defender can decide to cover the inside run of the neutral player or of the finishing player.

• The defender can shoot directly if he wins the possession
• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• The neutral player supports the defender after a save of the goalkeeper or a rebound

Eye on: one touch accuracy, cover the inside runs lanes, timing of movement off the ball.

Exercise 5: 1 + 2 v 1 or 2 v 2 - Combine and finish with one touch (1)

One black player is placed along one the wide sides of a square playing space. Two neutral players are placed along the lower and the opposite wide side. One defender is placed in the middle. The objective for the attacking player and the neutral ones is to combine to keep the possession first and then to finish as in the previous exercise. In this variation, if the defender wins the ball, he must play a backward and forward passing combination with the lower neutral player in a momentary 2 v 2 transition duel, before finishing.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• The second neutral player supports the defender after a save of the goalkeeper or a rebound creating a new 3 v 1 duel.
• Fix a limit of time to finish for the defender as he is not force to play and shoot with one touch

Eye on: one touch accuracy, cover the inside runs lanes, quick passing combination to finish as the possession is won, run away from the ball to receive deep.

1 + 2 v 1 or 2 v 2 - Combine and finish with one touch (2)

In this further variation of the previous exercise, the objective for the attacking player and the neutral ones is the same of the previous exercise. But if the defender wins the ball, he must play a forward and backward passing combination with the lower neutral player in a momentary 2 v 2 transition duel, before finishing in one of the mini goal on the opposite side of the main goal.

Eye on: one touch accuracy, cover the inside runs lanes, quick passing combination to finish as the possession is won, run toward the ball to receive and finish.

Exercise 6: 3 v 2 - Combine and finish with one touch

Three black players are placed along two wide and the lower sides of a square playing space. Two defenders are placed in the middle. The goalkeeper is in possession and he must decide the side where to start the sequence. The first objective for the black players is to keep the possession for a minimum amount of time passing and receiving with one or two touches. When the goalkeeper sends out a signal, or just after the time limit, the lower players must run inside and receive behind the defender to finish after a triangle passing combination; all this final sequence must be played with one touch. The defenders work on mark and coverage of the space cooperation; if they win the ball, they can shoot directly.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• If the defenders win the ball they must combine between them finishing outnumbered and under the pressure of the three black players
• Fix a limit of time to finish for the defenders as he is not force to play and shoot with one touch

Eye on: one touch accuracy, cover the inside runs lanes, quick passing combination to finish as the possession is won, run away from the ball to receive deep.

Exercise 7: 2 + 1 v 2 - Combine and finish with one touch

In this variation of the previous exercise the lower player is a neutral player who decides the couple in possession, the black one in the pictures, and the players who must manage the ball while positioning inside the square. The objectives are the same of the previous exercise, but if the defenders win the ball, they must score in one the mini goals on the opposite side of the main one. The duel during the transition phase is then a 2 v 2.

• The neutral player can help the defenders if they win the ball creating a new 3 v 2 duel
• Fix a limit of time to finish for the defenders as he is not force to play and shoot with one touch

Eye on: positioning on the field, one touch accuracy, cover the inside runs lanes, quick passing combination to finish as the possession is won, quick transition phases

Exercise 8: 4 v 2 - Combine and finish through the 3rd man with one touch (1)

Three black players are placed along two wide and the lower sides of a square playing space; a fourth one is in the middle against two defenders. The goalkeeper is in possession and he must decide the side where to start the sequence. The first objective for the black players is to keep the possession for a minimum amount of time passing and receiving with one or two touches. When the goalkeeper sends out a signal, or just after the time limit, the black player in the middle must drop back and pass to the 3rd man behind the defenders; all this final sequence must be played with one touch. The defenders work on mark and coverage of the space cooperation; if they win the ball, they can shoot directly.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• If the defenders win the ball they must combine between them finishing outnumbered and under the pressure of the four black players
• Limit the time to finish for the black players if they are not forced with one touch

Eye on: free from the marker while dropping back, one touch accuracy, quick passing combination to finish, timing of runs off the ball.

Exercise 9: 4 v 2 - Combine and finish through the 3rd man with one touch (2)

Three black players are placed along the two wide and the lower sides of a square playing space; a fourth one is in the middle against two defenders. The goalkeeper is in possession and he must decide the side where to start the sequence. The first objective for the black players is to keep possession for a minimum amount of time passing and receiving with one or two touches. When the goalkeeper sends out a signal, or just after the time limit, the black player in the middle must drop back to play a wall passing combination with the lower vertex, who then passes to the 3rd man who is cutting inside; all this final sequence must be played with one touch. The defenders work on mark and coverage of the space cooperation; if they win the ball, they can shoot directly.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• If the defenders win the ball they must combine between them finishing outnumbered and under the pressure of the four black players
• Limit the time to finish for the black players if they are not forced with one touch

Eye on: free from the marker while dropping back, one touch accuracy, quick passing combination to finish, timing of runs off the ball.

Exercise 10: 5 v 3 - Play with up and back passing combination

Four black players are placed along the two wide and the lower sides of a square playing space; a fifth one is in the middle against three defenders. The goalkeeper is in possession and he must decide the side where to start the sequence. The first objective for the black players is to keep the possession for a minimum amount of time passing and receiving with one or two touches; up and down passing combinations are required. The black player in the middle decides when and where dropping back to receive a pass from one of the lower vertexes, among the defenders. From now on the final sequence must be played with one touch; the shooting player must run inside from the opposite side from where the sequence started. The defenders work on marking and coverage of the space cooperation; if they win the ball, they can shoot directly.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• If the defenders win the ball they must combine between them finishing outnumbered and under the pressure of the four black players
• Limit the time to finish for the black players if they are not forced with one touch

Eye on: diagonal passing combination to keep the possession, free from the marker while dropping back, one touch accuracy, quick passing combination to finish, timing of runs off the ball.

Exercise 11: 4 + 1 v 3 or 3 + 1 v 4 - Play with up and back passing combination

In this variation of the previous exercise, the fifth attacking player in the middle is a neutral player. The objectives for the team in possession are the same of the previous exercise. But if the defenders recover the ball, they can play together with the neutral player following a precise sequence: wall pass, change the side and finish through the 3rd man. The 3rd man must finish in the mini goal on the opposite side of the main one. All the black players become defenders.

Eye on: diagonal passing combination to keep the possession, free from the marker while dropping back, one touch accuracy, quick passing combination to finish, timing of runs off the ball.

Exercise 12: 5 v 3 - Exchange the positions

Four black players are placed along the two wide and the lower sides of a square playing space; a fifth one is in the middle against three defenders. The goalkeeper is in possession and he must decide the side where to start the sequence. The first objective for the black players is to keep the possession for a minimum amount of time passing and receiving with one or two touches; up and down passing combinations are required. The black player in the middle decides when and where dropping back to receive a pass from one of the lower vertexes, among the defenders; meanwhile the second lower player and the opposite wide one must exchange their positions. From now on the final sequence must be played with one touch; the shooting player, who is the previous lower vertex, must run inside and finish with one touch. The defenders work on mark and coverage of the space cooperation; if they win the ball, they can shoot directly.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• If the defenders win the ball they must combine between them finishing outnumbered and under the pressure of the five black players
• Limit the time to finish for the black players if they are not forced with one touch

Eye on: timings of movements off the ball, free from the marker while dropping back, one touch accuracy, exchange of positions.

Exercise 13: 5 v 3 - Rotate the positions

Four black players are placed along the two wide and the lower sides of a square playing space; a fifth one is in the middle against three defenders. The possession players are numbered from 1 to 5. The goalkeeper is in possession and he must decide the side where to start the sequence. The first objective for the black players is to keep the possession for a minimum amount of time passing and receiving with one or two touches; up and down passing combinations are required. The black player in the middle decides when and where moving wide to exchange the positions with an outside teammate, meanwhile the second lower player run forward to be placed in the middle too. From now on the final sequence must be played with one touch. The player 3 is the first receiver of the sequence, the wide one number 1 is the second receiver and shooting player, the number 3 must finish after an inside run and a change of direction. The result is a rotation of three players off the ball. The defenders work on mark and coverage of the space cooperation; if they win the ball, they can shoot directly.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• If the defenders win the ball they must combine between them finishing outnumbered and under the pressure of the five black players
• Limit the time to finish for the black players if they are not forced with one touch

Eye on: timings of movements and rotation off the ball, exchange the positions to free from the marker, one touch accuracy.

Exercise 14: 6 v 3 - Rotate the positions

Five black players are placed along the two wide and the lower sides of a square playing space; a sixth one is in the middle against three defenders. The possession players are numbered from 1 to 6. The goalkeeper is in possession and he must decide the side where to start the sequence. The first objective for the black players is to keep the possession for a minimum amount of time passing and receiving with one or two touches; up and down passing combinations are required. One of the wide black players (number 5 in the picture) decides when and where run inside to receive from the lower teammate, meanwhile the opposite wide players exchange their positions and the last one in the middle runs forward to finish. From now on the final sequence must be played with one touch. The player 3 is the first receiver of the sequence, the wide one number 2 is the second receiver and shooting player, the number 4 must finish after a forward run to attack the goal. The result is a rotation of four players off the ball. The defenders work coverage of the space; if they win the ball, they can shoot directly.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• If the defenders win the ball they must combine between them finishing outnumbered and under the pressure of the five black players
• Limit the time to finish for the black players if they are not forced with one touch

Eye on: timings of movements and rotations off the ball, exchange the positions to free from the marker, one touch accuracy.

Exercise 15: 6 v 3 or 3 v 3 transition phase - Rotate the positions

In this variation of the previous exercise, the three lower players are part of a third team. If the defenders recover the ball, they play a 3 v 3 duel against the red players to score in one of the wide mini goals, in the opposite side of the main one. If the black players recover the possession, the sequence is resumed with the same objective of the beginning.

• Ask the players to carry out a fix combination passing sequence to keep the possession
• If the defenders win the ball they must combine between them finishing outnumbered and under the pressure of the five black players
• Limit the time to finish for the black players if they are not forced with one touch

Eye on: quick transition play to finish or to win the ball back

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