30 Transition Rondos - Part Two

30 Transition Rondos
By Luca Bertolini

Table of Contents



Two Grid Rondos

Exercise 18: 2 v 2 + 2 and 1 + 1 transition with exchange of positions and roles (1)

The playing space is divided into two areas. Two black players are placed along the vertical and shorter sides of the main rectangular space. Two defenders are placed in the middle of each grid of the deep playing space. Two red neutral players are placed along the longer sided of the main rectangle.

The objective for the players in possession is to pass wide and forward inside one area (on the right of the player with the ball in the picture) to move the ball toward the next area thanks to the outer neutral players. The defender must be overcome with 1 - 2 fast passing combinations.

The defenders are asked to close the passing lanes and to intercept the ball; moreover the back passes of the neutral players to overcome the defenders.

Tta: if the defender wins the ball, he must play a passing combination with the neutral player to receive the back pass on the borderline of the main rectangle. The black player and the yellow defender on the other side exchange their positions. Ttd: both the black players become defenders in the middle of each area.

The sequence starts on the other side as the neutral players switch the side.

Eye on: cover the space, close the passing lanes, force the passing sequences, play fast passing combinations to save the possession.

Exercise 19: 2 v 2 + 2 and 1 + 1 transition with exchange of positions and roles (2)

The playing space is divided into two areas. Two black players are placed along the vertical and shorter sides of the main rectangular space. Two defenders are placed in the middle of each grid of the deep playing space. Two red neutral players are placed along the middle line between the two areas.

The objective for the players in possession is to pass forward and behind the defenders to move the ball toward the next area thanks to the neutral players in the middle. The passes toward the next area can be direct or wall passing combinations.

The defenders are asked to close the passing lanes and to intercept the ball; moreover the direct or the back passes of the neutral players to move the ball toward the opposite area.

Transitions - 1
Tta - 1: if a defender wins the ball, he must play a passing combination with the neutral player to receive the back pass on the borderline of the main rectangle. Ttd - 1: both the black players become defenders in the middle of each area.

Transitions - 2
Tta - 2: if a defender wins the ball, he passes forward to the neutral player. The neutral player passes forward again on the borderline of the main rectangle where a yellow defender must receive. Ttd - 2: both the black players become defenders in the middle of each area. The black player inside the second area, who is now a defender, can try to intercept the pass from the neutral player.

The passes toward the neutral players can be toward the same one or alternated.

The black players and the yellow defenders on the opposite side of the transition phase exchange their positions.

Eye on: cover the space, close the passing lanes, force the passing sequences, play fast passing combinations to save the possession.

Exercise 20: 4 v 2 + 2 to intercept the passes

The playing space is divided into two areas. Four black players are placed along the longer sides of the main rectangular space; one on each half line. Two defenders are placed in the middle of each grid of the deep playing space. Two red neutral players are placed along the shorter lines of the main rectangle.

The objective for the players in possession is to pass toward the next area after a circle passing sequence, from the left to the right (as in the picture) and through the red neutral player as lower vertex.

The defenders are asked to close the passing lanes and to intercept the ball, moreover the side passes and the vertical passes toward the next area.

Tta: if a defender wins the ball, he must pass immediately toward the opposite neutral player in the other area to change the side of play. The prior defenders become outer possession players.

Ttd: both the black players of the same side where the ball is recovered become defenders in the middle of each area.

Eye on: cover the space, close the passing lanes, force the passing sequences and change the side of play as fast as possible to save the possession.

Exercise 21: 4 v 4 + 2 to intercept the passes

The playing space is divided into two areas. Four black players are placed along the longer sides of the main rectangular space; one on each half line. Four defenders are placed in the middle; two inside each grid of the deep playing space. Two red neutral players are placed along the shorter lines of the main rectangle.

The objective for the players in possession is to pass toward the next area after a circle passing sequence, from the left to the right (as in the picture) or vice versa, and through the red neutral player as lower vertex.

The defenders are asked to close the passing lanes and to intercept the ball, moreover the side passes and the vertical passes toward the next area and to press the opponents.

Tta: if one of the defenders wins the ball, he must pass immediately toward the opposite neutral player in the other area to change the side of play. The prior defenders become outer possession players.

Ttd: both the black players on the other side must put pressure 2 v 1 against the receiver, the red neutral player.

Tta - 2: The yellow players must run out from the middle space to be a passing option for the receiver.

Eye on: cover the space, close the passing lanes, force the passing sequences, press the outer players (moreover the center neutral players), change the side of play as fast as possible to save the possession.

Exercise 22: 6 v 4 + 1 to intercept the passes

The playing space is divided into two areas. Six black players are placed along the sides of the main rectangular space; one on each half line and on the shorter lines. Four defenders are placed in the middle; two inside each grid of the deep playing space. One red neutral player is placed along the middle lines between the two areas.

The objective for the players in possession is to pass toward the next area after a wall passing sequence, and through the red neutral player in the middle.

The defenders are asked to close the passing lanes and to intercept the ball, moreover the side passes and the vertical passes toward the next area and to press the opponents.

Tta: if one of the defenders wins the ball, he must pass immediately toward the neutral player on the middle line to change the side of play.

Ttd: The black players who are placed along the middle line and on the opposite side of the last intercepted pass must put pressure 2 v 1 against the receiver, the red neutral player.

Tta - 2: The yellow players must run out from the middle space to be passing options for the neutral player, who is receiving the ball as first part of the transition.

The prior defenders become outer possession players.

Eye on: cover the space, close the passing lanes, force the passing sequences, press the outer players (moreover the center neutral players), change the side of play as fast as possible to save the possession.

Exercise 23: 5 v 5 + 2 to alternate the directions of play during the transition phases

The playing space is divided into two areas. Four black players are placed along the longer sides of the main rectangular space; one on each half line. One more is placed on the middle lines. Five defenders are placed in the middle; two inside each grid of the deep playing space; a fifth one must be always ready to create a 3 defenders formation inside the area where the ball is being played. Two red neutral players are placed along the shorter lines of the main rectangle. 4 v 3 and 3 v 2 duels are alternated.

The objective for the players in possession is to pass the ball between the areas and through the middle player, from the right to the left (as in the picture) and vice versa.

The defenders are asked to close the passing lanes and to intercept the ball, moreover the side passes and the vertical passes toward the next area and to press the opponents inside the area where they are playing 3 v 3.

Tta: if one of the defenders wins the ball, he must pass immediately toward the opposite neutral player in the other area to change the side of play. All the possession and defending players in that area, switch their positions and roles.

Ttd: The black players must now be placed in the middle of the area; three where the ball is and the other two inside the opposite area..

The prior defenders become outer possession players.

Tta - 2: The yellow players must play vertical passing combinations from the lower vertex to the upper one.

Eye on: cover the space, close the passing lanes, force the passing sequences, press the outer players (moreover the center neutral players) when playing 3 v 3, change the side of play as fast as possible to save the possession.

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