Warm-Up for Combination Play

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity is a warm up for combination play with a little bit of pressure.

There are two groups of four in a 20 x 20 grid with two balls. To start I’ll show this with only one group. Two players are on end lines and the other two are in the middle. The ball starts with one of the outside players.


The player on the outside starts by passing to one of the inside players.


That player must one touch the ball to the other inside player.


Upon making this pass, the passer must sprint 5 yards.


The receiving player must one touch the ball to the other outside player and then he sprints 5 yards.


The outside player must one touch the ball to an inside player and the combination continues.


While this is going on the second group is doing the exact same thing which going side to side.

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This is an easy combination but when you add the second group it complicates matters tremendously. Now, the players must keep their head up, watch what is going on around them, and react accordingly.

Do this for 2 minutes and then have the inside and outside players switch roles.

Have a great day!


By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

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