Training Indoors for Outdoor Games

As the winter indoor season comes to an end coaches start to look at transitioning to the outdoor game while we're still forced to do most of our training indoor. This is a challenge as they prepare for outdoor leagues and tournaments just around the corner.

I'm fortunate to train my teams on two basketball courts that are side by side. This allows us to start to spread things out a bit and get the players looking for longer passes in open space.

Here are a couple of games that I used last week to start the transition.


After warming up and playing some 4 v 2 possession games we moved to this three team game. Two teams work to keep possession from the third team. If the defending team wins the ball the team that turns it over becomes the defending team.

Five passes equals one point for the two teams in possession. You can play for a set period of time or until the first team gets a certain number of points.


The teams are only allowed to score one point on each of the basketball courts. So after scoring on one court the ball must be moved to the other court before another point can be scored. This forces the players to keep their head up and see opportunities to switch the play rather than just see the three or four players around the ball.


Next we play a nondirectional 6 v 6 game. We use benches that are turned over as 'goals' or 'targets'. There are four of them arranged as above.

The great thing about the benches is that they force the ball to be on the ground and they rebound the ball back into play so that the game can continue.

A point can be score by either team hitting any of the four benches. Either team can get the rebound and take possession.


Require the team to control the rebound in order for a point to be scored. This forces players to support each other to receive the point.




Put the benches on all four sides of the court.

[wpsharely id="6889"] [/wpsharely]


To finish the session we make this game directional so that each team is defending two benches and attacking two at the other end.

Now switching play becomes very important because the defending team and cut off one side of the court.

Please leave your ideas in the comments section below.

Have a great day!





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