Possession Game to Develop Aerobic Power

By Alex Trukan

The following practice is aimed at developing the ability to sustain many actions throughout the whole match. In example, that will enable players to produce the same amount of sprints in the first as well as last 15 minutes of the game. In addition, that is achieved in possession game, what increases the motivation of the players and links physical focus with technical and tactical content.

Set up and directions:
Set up a square of 30-40 m. depending on the ability as well as number of players. Organise min. 6 little gates in the middle of the square as shown on the diagram. Divide the group into two teams of 5 players. To score a point, a team should pass the ball through a small gate. The team with more points wins the game.


Method of scoring points in this exercise requires constant support in front and in behind the ball. After single point is scored, the game continuous, with the same team having possession.


As a progression, two medium sized goals can be added on the opposite ends. When two points are scored, a team can try to score in a bigger goal what will give them two additional points. After each goal into the medium sized goal, defending team starts with the possession of the ball.


Instead of medium sized goals, four small goals can be placed on each end line. In this progression, when defending team gets the ball, they can score into one of the four small goals. That goal is worth two points.

[wpsharely id="1886"][/wpsharely]


Each single game should be played 1-3 minutes. That should be repeated 6-10 times in each of the two series. Rest between single games lasts 3-1 min., while rest between series lasts 4 min. That time can be for example used for low intensity, technical exercises.


  • Two medium sized goals on the opposite sides
  • Four small goals on each side
  • 3v3/4v4 (on the smaller area and with less gates)
  • Overload games (4v3/5v4)

By Alex Trukan, Development Coach, Nottingham Forest

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