One-Touch Passing and Agility

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on one touch passing and agility.

Start with the player at a cone and 4 cones in a horizontal line 5 yards in front. There is a server, with a ball, 10 yards from the line of cones.


The player starts by sprinting to the first cone, and as soon as he gets there the server plays a ball that must be one touched back to the server.


The player then must run backwards back to the starting cone.


The player then runs to the far cone and does the same thing.


The player then runs to the far inside cone and does the same thing.


The player then does the same thing at the last cone.

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This is done twice and then a new player goes.

The keys for this activity is for the player to go at full speed, turn his hips so he is facing the server when he receives and plays the ball and then works on going backwards at full speed.

Have a great day!


By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

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