False Double Pass - Straight Pass

This week's exercises are from our latest book, 2 v 1 Attacking Drills & Exercises

This shows exactly the same patterns of movement as 9 until Square A2. In Square A attacker A passes the ball to attacker B.

In Square A1 attacker B returns the pass and opens up a passing lane while keeping their body shape open to defender C.

In Square A2 attacker A dribbles to commit defender C with a dribble numbered 1, defender C starts trying to jump the passing lane to attacker B. This reaction by defender C to the run by attacker B creates the difference in Square A3.

In Square A3 attacker A recognizes that defender C has moved to prevent the pass and chooses to dribble rather than pass the ball. This dribble is numbered with a 1. This dribble is allowed because the illusion of the Double Pass Pattern and the attempt by defender C to stop it from occurring.

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