By Alex Trukan
This possession game is aimed at improving players’ capacity to recover between high intensity actions, what will then enable them to produce more explosive actions when needed without losses in quality. That is linked with transition to attack scenario which forces players to make decisions whether to secure possession or counter-attack quickly. It is a challenging practice both from the physical as well as technical and tactical points of views. From the conditioning point of view, it also has benefits in developing strength and stability to stay on the ball in tight spaces under pressure.
Set up and directions
Set up a 15 x 30 yards rectangle divided into two 15 x 15 squares visible for the players. Organise the team into two teams of five and designate additional three floaters/target players. Two neutral players are positioned behind end lines opposite each other and one is a floater operating in the square wherever the ball is. Eight players (four from each team) also stay in the square where currently is the ball. Two of the players (one from each team) stay in the square without the ball.
The game starts with a target player passing the ball into one of the team, who then try to make at least 4 passes. Neutral player in the square as well as target player can be used when in possession (effectively making it 6v4 situation).
After four passes are made, the team in possession can transfer the ball into the other square. In case the opposition wins the ball before 4 passes are made, they can play is straight away (within two passes) or make 4 passes and then try to play through to the other square. Ball can be played directly into the opposite target player as well as into a player positioned in the other box.
As the ball is passed through, three players from each team and a neutral player will run to the box where the ball is (leaving one player from each team in the opposite box). That forward runs into the other square should be made as quick as possible.
The same principle of playing min. 4 passes or playing it straight away (in case the opposition wins it) applies in the new square. The team that transfers the ball into the other box more times, wins the game.
The game should be played for up to 3 mins. and repeated 6-10 times in 2 series. The rest period between repetitions should be up 1-2 mins. and between series – 4 mins.
- 5v5+2 in the box where the ball is
- Increase/decrease the area size
- Restrict/force number of touches
By Alex Trukan, Development Coach, Nottingham Forest