Change of Direction with Increasing Pressure

Each week my club uses the first training session of each week to focus on technical training. The sessions cover every technical skill divided into three week mircocycles. This allows us to progress each skill over these three weeks.

This is a progression of exercises to put change of direction movement under pressure. The progression can be done in three consecutive sessions or over the course of three weeks.


Change of Direction with Passive Pressure

The players on the right have a ball each. The players on the left do not have a ball. Between them are five cones that create four ‘goals’.

The dribbling moves quickly up two goals, uses a change of direction move, comes back one goal and then changes direction again. This pattern continues to the end of the line. The dribbler gives the ball to the ‘defender’ and they change roles.

Coaching Points

  • Dribble quickly with the ball out of your feet
  • Fake to shoot or pass before the COD to deceive the defender
  • Lean in the direction you want to go to exploded from the move
  • Play the ball away far enough that you can chase it to the next goal


Change of Direction with Pressure Through the Gates

The players on the right have a ball each. The players on the left do not have a ball. Between them are five cones that create four ‘goals’. The dribbling moves quickly from goal to goal attempting to lose the defender. The dribbler moves through a goal when they lose the defender.

Coaching Points

  • You don’t need to go all the way to the goal before changing direction
  • Dribble quickly with the ball out of your feet
  • Fake to shoot or pass before the COD to deceive the defender
  • Lean in the direction you want to go to exploded from the move
  • Play the ball away far enough that you can chase it to the next goal
  • Make sure you’ve lost the defender before dribbling through a goal
[wpsharely id="6889"][/wpsharely]


Change of Direction with Passive Pressure

The players on the right have a ball each. The players in the middle serve as a defender who can intercept passes but not tackle the dribbler. The players on the left do not have a ball. Between them are five cones that create four ‘goals’.

The dribbling moves quickly from goal to goal attempting to lose the defender. The dribbler Passes through to the other attacker when an opening is created by changing direction.

Coaching Points

  • You don’t need to go all the way to the goal before changing
  • Dribble quickly with the ball out of your feet
  • Fake to shoot or pass before the COD to deceive the defender
  • Lean in the direction you want to go to exploded from the move
  • Play the ball away far enough that you can chase it to the next goal
  • Make sure you’ve lost the defender before passing through the


Have a great day!


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