This week's exercises are from our book, 'Coaching the 4-3-3 Advanced Tactics'
BALL CIRCULATION #4 10 v 10 + 2
The final piece to be shown here would be to increase the grid size to 25x40 and build the numbers to 10v10 plus 2. Each team would have 10 players inside with a target player on each end of the grid. The trick is to incorporate everything you were training in the previous exercises into this one. You still need to work with the two central defenders to shift and support one another.
The neutral player represents the goalkeeper and should also be functional with the ball at their feet. The same focus of support and shifting needs to be coached at this exercise. The challenge will be the tighter and smaller space.
Be sure the players are keeping their shape and not congesting too much to where they eliminate the layers of their formation. Be sure they are getting as wide and as deep as possible to open up spaces so they can play more quickly and have faster ball circulation. It is important that players look for quick combinations to beat pressure and they look to play into the target player as quickly as possible.