Working the Ball Out Of the Back

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter.  Today’s featured activity works on working the ball out of the back.  This type of activity is an excellent way to work on specific parts of the game of soccer while incorporating all aspects of the game.  There are numerous examples like this in the book Brazilian Soccer Academy Volume 2.

This activity uses half a field.  The team with the ball has a keeper in goal, 4 backs, 3 midfielders and one target player.  The opposing team has 2 forwards and 3 midfielders.

The keeper starts with the ball and the objective is to get the ball to the target player.  The target player can move along the midfield line or anywhere inside the center circle.

If the keeper can throw or kick a ball directly to the target player he should do so.  Because of this, one of the midfielders will frequently play off their man to make this more difficult.  The outside backs will want to go wide in order to spread the field and make it more difficult for the forwards to mark them all.

If the keeper decides to play the ball short, it’s extremely important for all of the players (on both teams) to react accordingly.  The midfielders on the attacking team want to more in order to provide support while the defending team wants to take away passing lanes.

While it’s fine in this activity to look to switch the point of attack, keep in mind that the team with the ball has a numbers up situation and should look to penetrate on every touch.

If the defending team wins the ball they should look to get to goal quickly.  If the attacking team gets the ball to the target player, the situation is over and the ball goes back to the keeper and starts again.

Next, consider adding a second target player and a back to defend against them

Another variation is to add yet another back for the defending team and also add a full sized goal and a keeper.

By doing this, it gives a set target to work towards and also adds a lot of communication from the defending team.

This type of activity is an excellent way to work on specific parts of the game of soccer while incorporating all aspects of the game.  There are numerous examples like this in the book Brazilian Soccer Academy Volume 2.

Have a great day!


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