Tag Archives for " System of Play "

Strength and Weaknesses of the 4-3-3 System

This week's Animated Drill Video looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the 4-3-3 system. Whether you're playing a 4-3-3 or not, it's important to understand the characteristics of the 4-3-3 so that you can take advantage of them when you play against this system. The diagram is being created with the session planner on Planet Training that

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Developing a Style of Play

There are three thinks that I think contribute to the formation and system that coaches choose to play with. The qualities and personalities of the players on the team is most important. If you have a lot of attacking personalities then a system like the 4-3-3 makes sense. If you have a forward who holds the ball well and can play with their back to goal then you could use a 4-5-1 effectively. But each system can be played with a different style; possession, direct attacking, counter attack, etc.

The second contributing factor is the coaches preference. Most coaches

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The Triangle Midfield

The two most popular systems of play in the world at the moment are the 4-3-3 and the 4-2-3-1. Both are predicated on creating a connection between a group of three midfielders. Getting these players to understand their roles and work together are the key factors that will contribute to the success or failure of the team.


Our latest book, Triangle Midfield tells you everything you need to know about

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