Tag Archives for " endurance "

Using a Dribbling, Passing and Receiving Drill to Develop Aerobic Endurance

By Justin Cresser

Today’s activity is a simple exercise that develops Aerobic Endurance while working on dribbling, passing and receiving techniques. One of the good things about this drill is that it can also be used as a warm-up routine. If you do decide to use it as a warm-up activity, ensure that you incorporate dynamic stretches for the major muscle groups (hamstrings, quadriceps, etc.) during the rest periods between repetitions.

This activity uses the space between the halfway line and the top of the 18-yard box for the playing area. Divide your squad into two equal groups. Lay out several cones (the number of cones will be equal to the number of players in each group) across the playing area at random. However, each cone should be at least 10 to 15 yards from the nearest cone. For the purpose of this article, let us assume each group has 6 players; we have therefore placed 6 cones across the playing area.

Have all the players in one group stand inside the centre circle with a ball each.  Have each player in the second group stand behind a different cone (Figure 1).

When ready, direct the players in the centre circle to dribble at speed towards

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Developing Aerobic Endurance and Dribbling Skills

By Justin Cresser

Soccer involves performing repeated high intensity actions over the course of a 90 minute (less for younger players) game.  A high level of aerobic endurance is therefore required by soccer players as this component of conditioning aids in recovering from these high intensity actions, and prevents a decrease in technical performance that occurs with fatigue.

One of the best methods to improve aerobic endurance is interval training, a form of cardiovascular training that involves performing short periods of high intensity work interspersed with work periods of lower intensity.

Consider the following dribbling activity, which uses the interval training format, to enhance the aerobic capacity of your players.

Set up 8 to 10 small cones, 5 yards apart, 15 to 20 yards from the top of one penalty area. Give each player a ball and instruct them to dribble around inside the playing area using small touches while keeping their heads up (Figure 1). They are not allowed to go outside the penalty box and they must always be moving.

After 90 seconds, have all players dribble as fast as possible, but

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Combining Strength Endurance With Technical Training

Developing whole body strength is essential for peak performance in soccer. How effective you are at shielding the ball from an opposing defender, getting up quickly from a fallen position and constantly withstanding shoulder to shoulder and other physical contact will depend on your whole body strength. Increased whole body strength also improves your ability to perform explosive movements such as jumping and sprinting that play a key role in soccer.

Strength for soccer can be categorized into three main types: basic strength, maximum strength, and strength endurance.  Building basic strength is a precursor to developing maximum strength and strength endurance, and should be a focus of the early part the off-season. Maximum strength refers to the ability of a muscle or muscle group to produce the greatest amount of force. Training for maximum strength should only be done by well-trained and experienced players and is not necessary for all levels of play. Strength endurance refers to your muscles' ability to produce force over an extended period of time. Increasing strength endurance will improve the overall work capacity in your players and is very important for soccer, which involves continuous activity over a 90-minute (less for younger players) period. In this article we will focus on basic strength and strength endurance.

Contrary to what many coaches believe, developing basic strength and strength endurance do not require weights or fancy gym equipment. Doing body weight exercises such as push-ups, squats and lunges can be just as effective. Importantly, these exercises can be

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