Review of the 4-3-3 v 4-2-3-1 in an EPL Game

By Soren Schamberg

The Manchester Derby on March 6 proved to be a game to watch. Manchester City at the top of the table, needing maximum points to keep ahead of closely trailing Liverpool, set up in their 4-3-3 formation while Manchester United, who is trying to spur a strong finish to the season in a fight for 4th place, set up in a 4-2-3-1.

It didn’t take long for the action to get started with Manchester City being the first to score just 5 minutes from kickoff. The sequence begins with a run by Bernardo Silva down the left side of the field, into the corner of the offensive third.

A quick exchange of passes with Jack Grealish, gives Silva the ball again while moving to the by-line. Two Man United defenders are collapsing on Silva, but Silva cuts the ball back to the

penalty spot into a gap which Kevin DeBryune steps into and places the ball into the back of the net.

It’s the number of players in the box that creates this opportunity, keeping the United defenders unsure of who to defend, thus creating the space that is found by DeBryune.


By Soren Schamberg

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