Possession to Penetration

By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

Welcome to the FineSoccer Drills Newsletter. Today’s featured activity works on possession penetration as well as transition.

Start with a 50 x 40 grid with two 10 yard long end zones. There is a neutral player in each end zone. There is a 5 v 5 inside the grid.


This is a possession game within the grid but to score a goal the team with the ball must pass the ball into the neutral player in the end zone they are attacking. In the example below the black team is attacking the “A” zone and the yellow team is attacking the “B” zone.


If a team scores by passing into the neutral player in the end zone they quickly change direction and receive the ball back (one touch pass) from the neutral player and attack the other zone


The difference between this game and many other possession games is the emphasis on direction. It’s great to be able to keep possession in a grid but it doesn’t relate to a real game unless you are doing so with the intent of penetrating the defense at some point and to do that you need a direction to attack. Both offensively and defensively the teams have to be prepared based on direction. At the same time the team with the ball is looking to penetrate, the defending team is looking to take that penetration away.

This is a great game to work on possession with the intent of penetrating and looking for quick transition.

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Have a great day!


By Lawrence Fine, Author of the FineSoccer Coaching Bible.

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