All Posts by Mike Saif

Dominating the Midfield to Create Scoring Opportunities Part Two

By Soren Schamberg Part Two That penalty, which was saved, demonstrated that Watford were putting the pressure on Watford in the midfie ld and was evident again leading up to their first goal. Watford find themselves high up the field in Man U’s defensive half when the Man U defensive line has trouble getting the

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How the Back Four Can Use Space to Stop and Start an Attack Part Two

By Soren Schamberg Part Two Our second example demonstrates a slightly different use of defensive space. In the 21st minute, Thiago Silva is found with the ball as the last CB and an encroaching Leicester attacking front. Recognizing the oncoming pressure, Silva turns the ball back to their keeper Mendy, while Rüdiger and the wingbacks

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How the Back Four Can Use Space to Stop and Start an Attack

By Soren Schamberg It seems the overwhelming majority of training emphasizes the use of space when moving forward by making runs behind the opposition, checking into the teammate with the ball, creating space and pulling the opposition out of their positions with intelligent runs. What may not be recognized as often is how defenders are

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