WCC Facebook Page

I have spent many hours over the last week or so, setting up the WORLD CLASS COACHING Fan Page. It's incredible how fast technology moves. Just 6 months ago, I didn't see an urgent need for a WCC Facebook page, but now it's a "must". Many people now use Facebook on a daily basis and it now makes total sense to interact with your customers through a medium they use on a daily basis.

I remember a couple of years when friends in England persuaded me to get on Facebook saying it would be a great way to keep in touch. So I set up a Facebook profile but really, there wasn't much use of it for the first 6 months or so by either side. But gradually more and more of my friends and family started using Facebook and over the last 12 months it has now become the main way we keep in touch with each others lives across the miles. It's now at the point where Facebook is open 100% of the time I am on the computer.

So, back to why WCC needs a Facebook page. We currently communicate with our customers via our email newsletters, blog, web site, forum and in a very small way through Twitter. However, with the exception of Twitter and the forum, the interaction is all one way and in this day of instant communication, this just isn't good enough. Facebook will now give you, the customer a better format to interact with us, and for us to respond.

Another great benefit of Facebook, is that we have been able to link it directly with our Twitter account, blog and Youtube channel. So now, instead of looking for us at each of those web sites, you can find them all on our Facebook page. So when we post something on Facebook like an announcement for our upcoming coaching seminar for instance, it will post it on Twitter also. And when we add another post to our Blog, that will also show on our Facebook page as will any new movies we upload to Youtube.

It's a complicated world out there and I am hanging on by the skin of my teeth trying to keep up with all the new technology, but I hope you take time to visit our new Facebook page and click the like button to keep tabs on what we are doing.  And while you're there, post a comment and let us know what you think.

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