Using Small-Sided Games to Develop Players

Most coaches use small-sided games as part of their training sessions. Sometimes this is limited to a 10 minute scrimmage at the end of the session.

During the spring season I will often run an entire session that revolves around two or three small-sided games to reinforce technical or tactical topics that we have covered a number of times during the fall and winter. As the session continues the players move in and out of the two or three different games. Each one has a slightly different challenge for the players to solve. The players enjoy the change of pace and the games help the players connect the skills we've developed to the game itself.

I'm always on the lookout for games that are a bit different. A book that we recently released has given me a number of good games that my players have really enjoyed.  Check it out here.

Developing Creativity Through Small-Sided Games, is written by Brazilian soccer coach, Eduardo Andriatti Paulo. He feels that the Brazilian system has moved away from what has developed the most creative and skillful players in the world. Andriatti Paulo has collected more than 100 small-sided games that can be used to develop every technical and tactical area of the game. These activities use the randomness and unpredictability of the game to constantly present challenges in a different way.

Here are a few of the games that I've used in the past.

Global Small Sided Games 9

Organization:  3v3 situation will be developed in 2 small sided games. Roster: 14 to 22 players including 2 or 3 goalies.

DescriptionGame 1 – 3v3 situation playing in ABC rule (who passes cannot receive the ball back until a third player receives the ball). Game 2 –In a game with 6 goals will be played a 3v3 game focusing in zone marking and dribbling for speed and take on. Rule: only the player with the ball is allowed to step in the dribbling zone.

Coaching Points:

-3v3 game development

-Inside and outside penetration

-Switch the point of the attack

-Pressure, covering, support

-Zone marking

-Speed of improvisation and adaptation

Equipment: balls, cones, discs, vests, small goals and mobile goals

Global Small Sided Games 10

Organization:  3v3+ 1 (4v3) situation will be developed in 2 small sided games. Roster: 19 to 22 players including 2 or 3 goalies.

DescriptionGame 1 – 3v3v3 + 1 in a transition game format. Two teams playing in a half with the offensive team trying to score on goal and the defensive team try to cross the half line with ball possession, if the defenders cross the half line or the attacker score on goal they play as offensive team x the third team on the second half of the field. Game 2 –In a game with goals 6 goals will be played in a 3v3+1 game with a futsal ball. Rule: All 3 players + the neutral player have to touch the ball and keep the possession before finish the ball to goal.

Coaching Points:

-4v3 game development

-Ball possession

-Switch the point of the attack


-Zone marking

-Speed of improvisation and adaptation

Equipment: regular balls, futsal ball, cones, discs, vests, small goals and mobile goal.

Global Small Sided Games 11

Organization:  3v3+ 2 (5v3) situation will be developed in 2 small sided games. Roster: 21 to 22 players including 2 or 3 goalies.

DescriptionGame 1 – 3v3v3 + 2 neutral players in a transition game format. Two teams playing in a half with the offensive team trying to score on goal and the defensive team trying to cross the half line with ball possession, if the defenders cross the half line or the attackers score on goal, they play as offensive team x the third team on the second half of the field.

Observation: the neutral players follow the transition in both half of the field.  Game 2 –In a game with goals 4 goals will be played in a 3v3+ 2 neutral players (behind the end line) game. Rule: the team with possession has to switch point of the attack to score a goal

Coaching Points:

-5v3 game development

-Ball possession

-Switch the point of the attack


-Speed of improvisation and adaptation

Equipment: regular balls, cones, discs, vests, small goals and mobile goal.

Global Small Sided Games 12

Organization:  4v4 situation will be developed in 2 small sided games. Roster: 18 to 22 players including 2 or 3 goalies.

DescriptionGame 1 – 4v4 + goalies futsal game. Both teams play in diamond shape (1-2-1). Game 2 –In a game with goals 8 goals will be played in a 4v4 zone marking game. Each player is responsible to defend a goal.

Coaching Points:

-4v4 game development

-Ball possession

-Switch the point of the attack

-Zone marking

-Speed of improvisation and adaptation

Equipment: regular balls, futsal ball, cones, discs, vests, small goals and mobile goal.

When you're planning to have your players rotating between multiple small-sided games it's important to decide whether or not the games will be related. Sometimes I use two totally different games and other time they compliment each other.

What are you're favorite ways to use small-sided games in your training sessions?

Have a Great Day!


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