Total Soccer Conditioning Vol 1&2

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Total Soccer Conditioning Vol 1&2

Discover the revolutionary new approach to conditioning training using a ball. This set of books provides a comprehensive guide to improve your players’ fitness and their  technique at the same time.

Finally, it's here! Total Soccer Conditioning: A Ball-Orientated Approach is a two volume comprehensive guide (over 300 pages) to training your players to be fitter, stronger and more technically adept. From explaining the physiology of soccer through to identifying the components of fitness through to extensive training exercises, this special book set is exhaustive in its detail on how to get the maximum benefit from every session.

Soccer is one of the most physically demanding games around. Players will cover 10-12km per game, 2km of which at maximum speed. They also have to perform a variety of locomotive actions, such as back peddling, lateral shuffles, curved runs, slides and jumps. With all these sudden movements and quick changes in pace, the endurance, explosive power, speed and agility of your players can be the deciding factor in winning the game.

Conditioning is a vital part of training, no question. But too often you have to make the choice between working on fitness or technique. Well, now you don't have to because Total Soccer Conditioning: A Ball Orientated Approach provides you with a comprehensive coaching methodology for integrating physical conditioning with technical and tactical elements.

The two volumes with over 300 jam packed pages include a wide variety of ball orientated exercises, training guides and a guide to strength training so you can improve your players’ fitness and technical ability in the same session. Whether you coach amateur sides or elite teams, Total Soccer Conditioning: A Ball Orientated Approach will improve your understanding of soccer physiology and enable you to run fitness sessions that are more productive and enjoyable for players with a ball at their feet.

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