By Matthew Carroll -
This multi-ball rondo forces players to scan the field to recognize passing opportunities and stimuli from multiple angles. The use of the middle coaching stick grid alleviates the problem of players figuring out a pattern and leads to increasing randomness and creativity.
A rondo circle is set up with coaching sticks set up in a plus sign with a single stick in the middle. Depending on the number of players there should be 1-5 balls.
Start the session with one ball and the team in the rondo shape. The ball must be passed two touch through at least two of the coaching sticks. The ball cannot go back through the same two sticks that it just went through. Play stops if a ball touches a coaching stick, a player uses more than two touches, two balls touch, a ball goes beyond the rondo line, a player receives more than one ball, or a ball goes back through the same two coaching sticks. Once play stops players must do some designated fitness, and then repeat.
As the players become accustomed to the patterns the coach then adds balls into play as players able to handle.
A tennis ball can be added to the outside. Players must toss the ball around and play stops if the ball drops or a player with the ball receives a pass.
By Matthew Carroll