Possession Based Condtitoning Session

By Danny Carvalho -

How about a possession-based session for fitness? This article’s session was designed to get players to work both technically and physically to perform passes and turns in a chaotic setting.

The session was ran with six players and two coaches jumping in as support players in activities 2 and 3. Let’s dive right in!

Activity 1
Set up a square of about 20x20 yards, having four players on the outside (one on each line) and two players inside in the middle.

Players on the outside must always pass to player 1 who would then set a wall pass for player 2 to pass to another outside player. This was the task for 45 seconds.

Each double would go two rounds so each player could experiment different roles.

To challenger them a little bit more, in the 3rd round we had them count how many reps they could get of the pattern in 45 seconds. The pair with less reps would do 10 pushups as “punishment”.

Activity 2
Progressing from activity 1, now it’s a small-sided game consisting of a 2v2 in the middle of a 25x25 yards grid, with 4 supporting players on the outside. The goal was to get 10 passes in a row to score 1 point. In this scenario we’ve played 6 rounds of 2 minutes, rotating the pairs (two rounds in the middle, one round as support player).

Activity 3
In this last activity, a 3v3 was played with the two coaches still playing as support players on opposed lines of the grid. Again, the goal was to score a point by getting 10 passes in a row. In this scenario, we’ve played three rounds of 3 minutes.


The heart rate range during activities was from 150bpm to 190bpm.

In activities 1 and 2 the recuperation in between rounds was active by being in a less intense role on the outside of the square.

On activity 3 the recuperation was of 2 minutes, which gave time for coaches to intervene and talk about coaching points.

By Danny Carvalho, DOC at Corinthians Campinas Youth Club,  Brasil

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