If you were starting a new youth club how would you do it?

If you were starting a new youth club and had the resources to do it the “right way” how would you do it?

  • Plenty of fields?
  • No cost for the player?
  • High level coaching?
  • Multiple teams in each age group?
  • Specialized keeper training?
  • Speed and Conditioning sessions?
  • Medical trainers available at all sessions?
  • Competitive leagues to play in?
  • Emphasis on development?
  • Life skills training?
  • Additional coaching education?
  • Adult leagues?

Have you really given much thought to what you would do if you could start over from scratch?  The above list is just some random ideas but if you were to start with a blank page and really give some thought to how you would do things, the next step would be to figure out which of these things could be done within your current club.  You might not be able to provide free coaching but if you find that would be high on your list, you might spend more time finding sponsors to help offset current costs to get closer to your goal.

If you were to decide you would have life skills training, the question to ask yourself is why not do that now?

Too often we look at what we currently have and wish it was different instead of looking at what we really would want and then work to get there.

What would be on your list?


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