9 v 9 Player's Roles and Reponsibilities

This week's Animated Drill Video is one that I recorded for my team before the start of the season. I had planned on going over this at training that night but our session was canceled because of the weather. We had our first game on the weekend and I wanted the players to have this information before the game.

[wpsharely id="6889"][wpsharely][/wpsharely]

The diagram is being created with the session planner on Planet Training that is available through the Member Drills Database.

Please feel free to share this with your team or fellow coaches. What else would you include in this overview if you were doing it for your team? Share your idea in the comments section below the video or on this page.

Have a great week!


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Brandon Jenkins - March 12, 2017 Reply


Great video. I'm hoping you'll see this comment. Would you use this formation no matter your personnel? meaning, if you have slower or faster players on the wings? (lb/rb) position?


    Tom Mura - March 12, 2017 Reply

    Thanks Brandon.

    I play this formation regardless of the players I have because it teaches the principles of play I want to focus on.

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