1v1 to 3v3 Small-Sided Game

By Matt Carroll -

The 3v3 Rotation game is small sided game in which the player are introduced to a continuingly less restrictive environment starting with a 1v1 and ending with a fluid 3v3 situation.

The drill starts with three boxes, one central, and two wide of the goal, all placed inside the 18. In each box place a player from each team, and a goalie in the large goal. The drill can either start by having the coach pass to the attacking player in the grid, or the restarts can from the goalkeeper.

The drill starts with the passer feeding a ball to the attacker in the outside box. The players play 1v1 in the box with the attacking player attempting to score and the defending player attempting to clear the ball out of the box. Once the ball leaves the box, either from a goal or a clearance, the passer then plays a ball to the attacking player in the middle, and then to the right side. After each player has gone restart the sequence but have the attacking and defending player in each grid switch roles. After each player has gone, rotate each player to a new grid. 

In the next stage of the drill all six players are involved at once but players are not allowed to leave their box. The attacking team is fed a ball in any of the boxes and can pass, shoot or dibble but cannot leave their own defined box. Once the attacking team scores or the defending team clears the ball outside the 18 the teams rotate. 

The final stage of the game is where the boxes are removed and the drill moves to a straight 3v3 inside the 18. The aim is that the players now have experienced three 1v1 scenarios in the box, worked on spacing (width and depth), and now can work on interchange and using the two previous stages to help them create a variety of shooting opportunities.

By Matt Carroll -

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